
She’s skipping her son’s big birthday party this year because it’s stressful and her ex calls her selfish – Chip Chick

She’s skipping her son’s big birthday party this year because it’s stressful and her ex calls her selfish – Chip Chick

The 33-year-old woman has been raising her 10-year-old son together with her 32-year-old ex for several years.

It was a rollercoaster ride, but they managed to make everything work out so that their son didn’t suffer.

There is now a new 35-year-old man in her life and the two are doing their best to provide their son with a healthy and wonderful environment to grow up in.

Now her ex and his wife are throwing their son a huge pool party for his birthday at her ex’s wife’s mother’s house.

“They have been hosting these big parties for a number of years, and although our son enjoys them, they are becoming increasingly stressful for my partner and me,” she explained.

“The details of the party are often left until the last minute, communication is patchy, and when I do attend, I spend the entire day taking care of everyone, cleaning up, and sorting out logistics instead of enjoying time with our son.”

So she told her ex and his wife that she wouldn’t be going to her son’s birthday party this year. Instead, she would celebrate with a dinner and a slumber party just before his birthday.

When she sat down with her son to discuss her own, more low-key party plans, he accepted them. But when she told her ex, he didn’t agree with what she wanted to do.

“He accused me of being selfish and putting my own feelings above those of our son. He even went so far as to say I was ‘abandoning’ our son on his birthday,” she said.

Irina Schmidt – – for illustration purposes only, not the actual child

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