
Rachel Arderi surprises with her most daring and sensual pregnancy photos

Rachel Arderi surprises with her most daring and sensual pregnancy photos

Rachel Arderi enjoys her second pregnancy. In addition to the joy of her pregnancy, the Cuban model feels more beautiful than ever. The partner of Oniel Bebeshito surprised her Instagram followers with the most daring and sensual photos taken during this pregnancy.

Wearing nothing more than a sheer fabric that appears to hold her up from above, Rachel suggests more than she lets on, but in a very artistic way. “They came to heal my wounds with their light,” reads the caption of the post, which in the first photo shows her eldest son standing next to her, kissing her on the forehead.

“Everyone knows you’re a queen,” Bebeshito responded in the comments, praising the undeniable beauty of his girlfriend and mother of his upcoming child. In addition to the reggaeton artist, many of her followers showered her with compliments for the snapshots: “This is so beautiful”; “Oh, what a beautiful photo”; “My God, what a beautiful, delicate, delicate thing”; “The most beautiful pregnancy photos I’ve ever seen”; “What a beautiful photo”; “I love it. Perfection.”

Rachel Arderi’s first pregnancy occurred when she was very young and in education, so she was unable to enjoy many of the experiences that mothers usually cherish during this special time in their lives.

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