
WARMINGTON: 3 legends celebrate Toronto Zoo’s 50th anniversary

WARMINGTON: 3 legends celebrate Toronto Zoo’s 50th anniversary

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The Toronto Zoo’s 50th anniversary was legendary, and history shows that at least three creatures were present that were there on opening day in 1974.

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One of them was Metropolitan Toronto Chairman Paul Godfrey, the founding president of Postmedia.

The other two still live in the zoo.

All three took lots of photos and bows on Thursday.

And rightly so.

The original residents of the old Metro Toronto Zoo from day one are a 52-year-old gorilla named Charles and a 57-year-old orangutan named Puppe.

The orangutans are popular at the Toronto Zoo, especially the 57-year-old named Doll.
The orangutans are popular at the Toronto Zoo, especially the 57-year-old named Doll.
Gorilla Charles has been at the Toronto Zoo since day one and, at 52, is still there on the zoo's 50th anniversary. JOE WARMINGTON/TORONTO SUN PHOTOS
Gorilla Charles has been at the Toronto Zoo since day one and, at 52, is still there on the zoo’s 50th anniversary. JOE WARMINGTON/TORONTO SUN PHOTOS

Both have exceeded their life expectancy in the wild and have called the Toronto Zoo their home since Pierre Trudeau was prime minister, Bill Davis was premier and Godfrey was leader of the six cities that made up Metro.

“I was so excited and proud to be here that day, and I am equally excited and proud to be here today,” Godfrey said.

In 1974, two of his three sons, Rob and Noah, were born and were with him.

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“We wanted the zoo to be a place for the whole family and also a world-class place,” said Godfrey. “The good people at the zoo made both possible.”

They did. It really is a magical place. But when you spend a day there half a century after it opened, you realize how far ahead of their time the decision-makers were at the time in ensuring that this zoo is as much a wilderness park as it is an enclosure for animals.

Given today’s focus on environmental friendliness and sustainability, these people were way ahead of their time.

“Our founders have done a great job, guided by leaders like Paul Godfrey,” said Dolf DeJong, CEO of the Toronto Zoo. “Thank you for your vision and for creating the environment in which we can do our work.”

Their work involves much more than just caring for wild animals. They are on the cutting edge of all the environmental mumbo jumbo that people pretend to care about. At the Toronto Zoo, they care about that.

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And they practice what they preach.

We often use our platform to keep politicians honest, and we should. But sometimes they deserve a pat on the back, and Mayor Olivia Chow, Councillor Paul Ainslie and Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie are getting that praise today.

This also applies to the zoo staff, who are strictly governed.

“I’ve been to zoos all over the world,” Godfrey said. “Ours is in my top five.”

Whether moose, bison, grizzly bears, alligators or big cats of all kinds – this place makes young and old smile and laugh.

“This is my comfort zone,” says zoo member Debbie Lawley.

She and her husband Mike practically raised their children there and even as adults they still go there regularly.

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Ghost cat – a puma at the Toronto Zoo
Ghost Cat, a puma at the Toronto Zoo.

“We’re like kids,” joked Lawley.

Godfrey, 85, also said that the zoo made him feel like a child again.

“It’s just a great success story and I’m so happy that they invited me to their birthday,” he said.

What is special about the Toronto Zoo is that it does not rest on its laurels.

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“We are still growing,” said DeJong. “And evolving.”

In 50 years, on the 100th anniversary, some of the thousands of schoolchildren who attended the 50th anniversary will be able to come back and celebrate the centennial knowing that the Toronto Zoo has always been a trailblazer.

Sometimes you have to pay tribute and that’s what we’re doing today for Mr. Godfrey, Charles and Doll.

They are all the roots and soul of the Toronto Zoo.



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