
Forward Party puts couple on PA ballot

Forward Party puts couple on PA ballot

Add two more names to the Commonwealth general election ballot as the Forward Party gained ballot eligibility for its statewide candidates.

Montgomery County Eric Settle and Allegheny Counties Chris Foster will be placed on the ballot in November for the offices of Attorney General and State Treasurer.

Settle was Deputy General Counsel of the former Governor Tom Ridgeas well as Governor Josh Shapiro Transition Team. A graduate of Harriton High School and Colgate University, he has served as president of the Main Line Reform Temple, a trustee of Colgate University, Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Hospital, and the Endowment Corporation of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia.

“As a seasoned attorney with experience at the highest levels of state government, I’ve seen how the established parties are more interested in advancing their own interests than those of the people, and I know we can do better,” Settle said. “That’s the goal of the Forward Party — making sure the people are truly represented in government. When the people of Pennsylvania vote for me and Chris Foster for treasurer, they send a strong message that these state government officials should be neutral umpires calling balls and strikes, not out there commenting on the game for partisan political purposes.”

“Partisanship is approaching pre-Civil War levels, and our upcoming election is likely to fuel those feelings even further,” said Andrew YangCo-chair of the national Forward Party. “While Forward does not get involved in the presidential race, we see it as core to our mission to field candidates for the lower districts who can rise above this wrangling and serve their communities.

“That’s why I’m pleased to have Eric representing Settle Forward on the ballot in November. It’s critical that Pennsylvania’s top judicial and law enforcement official stay above this fray and care only about the rule of law and the people of the Commonwealth, not fighting for partisan political goals that will let Pennsylvanians down.”

Foster, a graduate of Marist University, is a Pittsburgh native, entrepreneur, and has worked as a tennis professional and real estate agent.

“The Treasurer’s job is to manage citizens’ money fully and fairly so that people can be assured that it is being spent on improving their communities. Yet Republicans and Democrats continue to turn this office into a political football,” said the party’s co-chair. Christie Todd Whitman“Pennsylvania deserves a truly independent treasurer and with Chris Foster, it will have him.”

“I’ve been on the ground collecting signatures in Pennsylvania, and it’s obvious that people are ready for new and better options. I couldn’t be more excited to be part of a movement that’s working to give American voters those choices.”

CEO of National Forward Lindsey Drath said it was volunteers and donors from across the Commonwealth who gave Settle and Foster access to the ballots.

“Ultimately, they submitted far more signatures than required by law and heard directly from many thousands of voters that they wanted more and better choices than those offered by Republicans and Democrats.”

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