
Kodak launches new Green Leaf program for customers using KODAK SONORA process-free plates

Kodak launches new Green Leaf program for customers using KODAK SONORA process-free plates

Rochester, New York (State) – As part of its commitment to its customers and the environment, Kodak offers the printing industry a number of solutions to help them improve their sustainability. One key offering from Kodak that enables printers to reduce their environmental impact is the market-leading KODAK SONORA Process Free Plates, which Elimination of processing equipment, chemicals, water and energy consumption in plate production. As a market leader in process-free technology Kodak has launched a new Green Leaf program to help SONORA plate users educate their existing and prospective customers about the sustainability benefits of SONORA process-free plates.

More than ten years after Kodak first introduced the SONORA Green Leaf Award, the updated Green Leaf program offers a variety of new tools and marketing items. These materials, including a new Green Leaf Marketing Guide, updated promotional materials, animations and a Green Leaf Certificate, are available exclusively to SONORA Plate customers, who can access these materials after registering on a special web portal.

Our new Green Leaf program helps SONORA plate users clearly demonstrate to print buyers and the market as a whole that their commitment to the environment and sustainability starts with KODAK SONORA Process Free Plates. commented Laura Cole, VP Product Management, Kodak. By demonstrating through the Green Leaf program that they are making their contribution to protecting the environment, printers who use SONORA plates also increase their chances of winning more orders.

The Green Leaf program is available now in the U.S. and Canada, and will roll out in Asia Pacific starting the last week of August and in EAMER starting the last week of September 2024.

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