
Rage Room offers stress relief for the start of school

Rage Room offers stress relief for the start of school

The excitement of returning to school is often accompanied by feelings of stress and anxiety.

The Rage Room at Jack of All Games in Broken Arrow offers students, parents and even teachers an opportunity to channel those feelings in a safe and controlled environment.

Owner Gene Barber said his business has been open for two years, but the concept is not new.

“I saw it online and thought, well, we can do that too,” he said.

Barber argues that an anger room is cheaper than therapy. “You feel things leaving your body,” he added.

It is created by throwing plates and hitting dozens of glass bottles and larger objects with a bat.

“You can smash televisions, microwaves, printers, basically any household item,” Barber said.

Is it a permanent solution to back-to-school stress? Maybe not, but he said it has helped people cope.

“We’ve had people come in screaming and yelling, some of them have left crying,” Barber continued, saying, “I just think it’s a great time and a great place for them to let it out.”

This month he’s offering 20% ​​off reservations at the Rage Room, making the price just $20 per person. Closed-toe shoes and pants are required.

You must be at least 10 years old to enter the Rage Room. To make a reservation, call 918-508-6207.

Jack of All Games is located at 3812 S Elm Pl and the Rage Room is across the street at 3651 S Elm Pl in Broken Arrow.

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