
Bowling Green man charged with terrorist threat

Bowling Green man charged with terrorist threat

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BOWLING GREEN, Kentucky – A Bowling Green man is facing charges of making terroristic threats following an incident Sunday.

According to a unified report, the Warren County Sheriff’s Office received a call from the U.S. military base Fort Campbell at around 2:52 a.m. about a bomb threat.

The caller reported that 24-year-old Levi Reeder had contacted the base about the threat.

According to police, Reeder had called the brigade’s emergency number up to eight times.

Reeder stated that there was an “explosive device” in a black BMW sedan at the base, according to the uniform certificate.

Authorities said a bomb disposal squad was activated at the site, but military officials did not discover any bombs or explosives. The entire base was on lockdown during that time, according to the sheriff’s office.

When officers arrived at Reeder’s apartment, his pupils were dilated and he was speaking quickly, which “suggests drug use.”

Reeder explained: “Paul Walker, the actor from the film ‘Fast and Furious’, promised him an eight-second-long vehicle,” the statement said.

The indictment further states that Reeder also stated that the vehicle had to be driven quickly in order to detonate the bomb.

Reeder was arrested and charged with first-degree terroristic threatening.

He was taken to the Warren County Detention Center.

The investigation is being continued by military officials at Fort Campbell.

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