
Jen Landon’s Birthday Astrology and Horoscope for August 29, 2024

Jen Landon’s Birthday Astrology and Horoscope for August 29, 2024

BIRTHDAY STAR: Actress Jen Landon was born on this day in 1983 in Malibu, California. This birthday star played Teeter in “Yellowstone” from 2020 to 2022. She also played Heather Stevens in “The Young and the Restless” from 2012 to 2022 and appeared in episodes of “Animal Kingdom,” “FBI: Most Wanted,” and “The Orville.” Landon is the daughter of “Little House on the Prairie” and “Bonanza” star Michael Landon.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22): Opportunities may be lurking around every corner. However, chances must be seized to benefit from them. Keep your eyes open and you may reap the rewards. Your passion for romance and excellence could enrich your life significantly.

SCALE (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Go full throttle and never look back. Look for opportunities in the most unexpected areas of your life and you will discover them. You may come into contact with people who know how to achieve material success.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): There’s enough for everyone. You may enjoy being pampered and find yourself drawn to those who offer you nice treats. And your generosity may also be heightened and you may enjoy sharing your abundance with others.

PROTECT (November 22-December 21): You may be given the benefit of the doubt. Your loved ones and friends may be more generous than usual. Your sincerity may move someone to share valuable insight or even a romantic moment with you when you least expect it.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19): There are many ways to use your skills. Find satisfaction in your knowledge and skills. Your skills and talents may already be on point, but to make more money or bigger profits, you may need even more luck.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18): You don’t have to be in love to apologize, especially if you were in the wrong. Consider settling differences with others and making peace with friends or neighbors so you’re free to think about other things.

FISH (February 19 – March 20): Use goodwill to your advantage. If you are generous, others may respond positively, so don’t be surprised if someone offers you a chance at a new project or opportunity. Show with pride that you have good intentions.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19): Whenever you discuss your plans, your sincerity will shine through, making this the perfect time to start a new project or seek public recognition. Don’t waste your savings on an expensive purchase you may later regret.

BULL (April 20 – May 20): You can never have too many good things. Look around and appreciate the abundance of good things you already have before you spend your money on even more things. Consider whether you should continue to be shy about romantic feelings.

TWINS (May 21-June 20): Use your mind to succeed. You can earn more by doing detailed research and checking facts than by relying on pure luck. To succeed, avoid becoming too complacent or overconfident.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): You may feel called to take action. Discuss your financial goals with a partner or friend and you may discover practical ideas that could fill your wallet. Smart planning could give you more time for fun and play.

LION (July 23 – August 22): There are many resources and valuable knowledge available if you are interested enough to seek it out. Your financial strategies could be on the right track and this could be a good time to start tackling a successful plan for your money.

IF AUGUST 29 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Your leadership qualities could be highlighted in a group or organization over the next two to three weeks. You might find it challenging to handle emotionally charged situations to ease tension at gatherings. In early October, you’re more inclined to defend your rights and could be aggressive in getting your way. As October progresses, however, your trustworthiness and sincerity could shine through, and your most attractive qualities could catch the attention of a prospective employer or romantic partner. This could potentially be a good time to switch projects or form a romantic commitment if you’re single. A romantic affair or a quick vacation could brighten your life in January, but no matter what happens or who you meet, you could get inspiration back that encourages you to be better than ever.


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