
IOP Publishing and the Institute of Systems E

IOP Publishing and the Institute of Systems E

Journal of Reliability Science and Engineering


Journal of Reliability Science and Engineering

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Photo credit: IOP Publishing

IOP Publishing (IOPP) is collaborating with the Institute of Systems Engineering (ISE), part of the China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP), to launch a new Diamond Open Access (OA) journal publishing high-quality research on reliability.

Reliability is an important research field in physics and engineering. It brings together physicists, chemists, mathematicians, as well as computer and AI scientists to develop methods aimed at improving the reliability, durability and performance of a product or system.

The Journal of Reliability Science and Engineering is dedicated to publishing high-quality research papers on reliability and provides free access to researchers to read and publish in the journal. The journal also receives editorial and contract support from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Hunan University, and Beijing Institute of Structure and Environment Engineering.

Chang-Pu Sun, Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Reliability Science and Engineering, said: “The tireless pursuit of mankind lies in creating products with ever-reliable reliability and developing reliability research into a comprehensive scientific system. Journal of Reliability Science and Engineering aims to provide an international academic platform to foster collaboration for innovative advances in reliability science and engineering. We have chosen IOPP as our publishing partner because their values ​​of putting science before profit align with our publishing ethos.”

Violeta Ribarska, Head of Partner Publishing and Engagement, said: “We are honoured that the China Academy of Engineering Physics has chosen us as their publishing partner for the launch of this fantastic new journal. Journal of Reliability Science and Engineeringwe are expanding our diverse, global portfolio of OA publications and providing researchers in the natural sciences and engineering with more opportunities to access and share their cutting-edge science with the scientific community.”

The magazine opens on October. For more information, visit

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