
Those who eat raw steak and offal have never felt better

Those who eat raw steak and offal have never felt better

View: Woman eats mainly raw meat and offal

A woman whose diet consists mainly of raw meat and organ meats claims she has cured her acne, lost 35 kilos and improved her mood.

India Castley from Southport in Merseyside stopped eating fruit and vegetables completely in mid-2022 and has been eating a predominantly meat-based diet since then.

The 19-year-old says she dropped her weight from 15 pounds to 10 pounds during that time and even alleviated her depression and stomach problems. Although she had previously eaten a normal diet and had her “five portions of fruit and vegetables a day,” she now felt “terrible,” she says.

Castley’s diet is, unsurprisingly, controversial. Studies show it is low in fiber and antioxidants and high in fat and cholesterol, which can lead to heart problems. Despite this, she believes that fruits and vegetables contain “antinutrients” (substances that reduce the body’s ability to absorb nutrients) and irritants, and is keen to avoid them.

India Castley eats raw meat in videos she shares online, and claims the diet has cured her acne. See SWNS story SWSMcarnivore. A woman claims she has cured her acne, lost 35 stone and feels better than ever after swapping her five-a-day fruit for a diet based on RAW steaks and offal. India Castley stopped eating vegetables completely in mid-2022 and has been eating raw meat for around a year. She claims the diet has helped her lose weight - from 15 stone to 10 stone - and even eased her depression and stomach problems.India Castley eats raw meat in videos she shares online, and claims the diet has cured her acne. See SWNS story SWSMcarnivore. A woman claims she has cured her acne, lost 35 stone and feels better than ever after swapping her five-a-day fruit for a diet based on RAW steaks and offal. India Castley stopped eating vegetables completely in mid-2022 and has been eating raw meat for around a year. She claims the diet has helped her lose weight - from 15 stone to 10 stone - and even eased her depression and stomach problems.

India Castley eats raw meat in videos she shares online and claims the diet has cured her acne, among other things. (SNWS)

Castley allows herself to eat eggs, bone marrow and raw milk to boost her vitamin and nutrient intake. “What I eat in a day varies from day to day and people think it’s quite boring and restrictive, but once you start, you never want to stop,” she says.

“For breakfast, I usually eat a raw steak with some raw liver and my raw dairy products (unpasteurized). For a snack, I eat beef liver chips or heart chips. But that’s rare. I try not to snack unless I’m very hungry.”

Whether she’s eating liver or kidney, she also enjoys boiled or raw eggs, as well as cheese and milk. “Homemade bone broth too!” she adds. “It’s a good source of electrolytes. I don’t touch vegetables because of the antinutrients and irritants.”

It is important to remember that, according to a Harvard study, “certain foods may contain residual amounts of antinutrients after processing and preparation, but the health benefits of consuming these foods outweigh any potential negative nutritional effects.”

Castley’s weekly grocery shop costs up to £150, a big expense for most, but she claims it’s worth it for her.

“People would assume that carnivore (as she calls her diet) is expensive, but that’s absolutely not the case. I would say people spend more on takeout and fast food than on carnivorous food,” she says.

Read more: The dangers of eating raw meat – The conversation, 3 minutes reading time

India Castley eats raw meat in videos she shares online, and claims the diet has cured her acne. See SWNS story SWSMcarnivore. A woman claims she has cured her acne, lost 35 stone and feels better than ever after swapping her five-a-day fruit for a diet based on RAW steaks and offal. India Castley stopped eating vegetables completely in mid-2022 and has been eating raw meat for around a year. She claims the diet has helped her lose weight - from 15 stone to 10 stone - and even eased her depression and stomach problems.India Castley eats raw meat in videos she shares online, and claims the diet has cured her acne. See SWNS story SWSMcarnivore. A woman claims she has cured her acne, lost 35 stone and feels better than ever after swapping her five-a-day fruit for a diet based on RAW steaks and offal. India Castley stopped eating vegetables completely in mid-2022 and has been eating raw meat for around a year. She claims the diet has helped her lose weight - from 15 stone to 10 stone - and even eased her depression and stomach problems.

India Castley eats raw meat for breakfast. (SWNS)

Aside from losing weight and curing her acne, she says the biggest benefit of her new diet is her improved mood. “My friends and family say they don’t even recognize me anymore, and that’s in the best way,” she explains.

“I have motivation for everything. Before the Carnivore Diet, I could barely get out of bed. I was always plagued by anxiety. I was a very angry, short-tempered person, but that was due to my poor diet, which led to a leaky gut.

“Your gut is essentially your first brain. If you damage it, you won’t feel as good as you should.”

While the gut-brain connection Is Although fruits and vegetables are increasingly being discussed, they are still considered an essential part of a healthy diet. It is important to remember that foods have different effects on each person.

“I don’t get randomly tired. I don’t have mood swings. I feel good. I look good. Life is beautiful,” Castley adds. Despite her positive attitude, she has had to endure hate online from people who call her lifestyle unhealthy.

“People judge me for my diet,” Castley admits. “I’ve even received death threats because of it, which is not fair at all because I’m promoting it to help people recover.”

“When I first heard about Carnivore I was skeptical, but then of course I tried it and was actually shocked at how much it impacted my life.

“Carnivore has changed my life for the better. Through weight loss, more energy and less inflammation.”

Read more: Most people today get their nutritional advice from there – but is it safe? – Women’s Health, 4-minute read

India Castley eats raw meat in videos she shares online, and claims the diet has cured her acne. See SWNS story SWSMcarnivore. A woman claims she has cured her acne, lost 35 stone and feels better than ever after swapping her five-a-day fruit for a diet based on RAW steaks and offal. India Castley stopped eating vegetables completely in mid-2022 and has been eating raw meat for around a year. She claims the diet has helped her lose weight - from 15 stone to 10 stone - and even eased her depression and stomach problems.India Castley eats raw meat in videos she shares online, and claims the diet has cured her acne. See SWNS story SWSMcarnivore. A woman claims she has cured her acne, lost 35 stone and feels better than ever after swapping her five-a-day fruit for a diet based on RAW steaks and offal. India Castley stopped eating vegetables completely in mid-2022 and has been eating raw meat for around a year. She claims the diet has helped her lose weight - from 15 stone to 10 stone - and even eased her depression and stomach problems.

India Castley has not consulted a doctor about her extreme diet change. (SNWS)

As a side benefit, she says she no longer has to think about what to cook for dinner because it’s always the same (although that might be monotonous for others). “Too many people are on antidepressants, are overweight, or have autoimmune diseases due to their poor diet and toxins,” she adds.

“People think pills are the answer to all our problems, but I disagree. I will be a carnivorous diet forever because I feel like it’s the only way after finding out what’s in all the other foods compared to my diet.”

Although Castley praises her diet, she has not consulted a doctor about it and is satisfied that the results speak for themselves. “Why should I see a doctor when I’m going to be happier?” she says.

“You wouldn’t go to see a doctor if you went out and got drunk or ordered something from a shady diner.”

Get expert advice before making drastic changes to your diet

While some people experience short-term benefits from consuming things like raw meat in their diet, there are long-term health consequences to consider or there are individuals who should avoid it entirely.

Claudia Le Feuvre, a Goldster-based nutritional therapist, previously spoke to Yahoo Life UK about the similar ‘Lion Diet’, which involves eating mostly salt, water and red meat. ‘I understand that people do this because it gives them temporary relief from some of their symptoms, but there are far better ways to identify and treat underlying food intolerances and their triggers.’

Read more: Nutritionist warns against viral ‘lion diet’ on TikTok: ‘I would strongly advise people to avoid this trend’ – Yahoo Life UK, 7-minute read

She said that this type of raw meat-heavy diet can lead to bad breath, hemorrhoids, high cholesterol, constipation, hemorrhoids and very low energy because of the lack of a lot of fiber and good nutrients from carbohydrates.

To avoid this, an elimination diet may be a better way to identify triggers. This involves temporarily eliminating certain food groups and documenting the results under the supervision of a doctor.

What is a healthy diet?

According to the Eatwell Guide, for a healthy, balanced diet you should eat the following:

  • Eat at least five portions of different types of fruit and vegetables every day

  • Basic meals consist of high-fiber, starchy foods such as potatoes, bread, rice or pasta

  • Consume dairy products or milk alternatives (e.g. soy drinks)

  • Eat beans, legumes, fish, eggs, meat and other proteins

  • Choose unsaturated oils and spreads and eat them in small quantities

  • Drink plenty of fluids (at least six to eight glasses a day)

The NHS generally advises against eliminating certain food groups unless you discover a medical reason for doing so.

Additional reporting by SWNS.

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