
Randall Terry on the destruction of the Democratic Party: “I am running to achieve the narrowest defeat in the swing states”

Randall Terry on the destruction of the Democratic Party: “I am running to achieve the narrowest defeat in the swing states”

Randall Terry is a lifelong pro-lifer who founded the group Operation Rescue, which he led until 1991. He and the group were known for their controversial tactics of targeting abortion clinics, blocking entrances, and staging loud protests, all while Terry and his colleagues racked up dozens of arrests and huge sums in civil lawsuits.

In 2024, Terry won the Constitution Party’s presidential nomination and plans to place the sanctity of human life at the center of his campaign, pursuing an advertising strategy explicitly designed to boost Trump’s campaign and harm Democrats.


“My mission is still the same, which is to make it a crime to kill a human being from conception to birth. You have to be in politics to do that. You have to be a legislator,” he said. “I’m not going to win the presidential election. I’m not running to win. I’m running to be the narrow defeat … in the swing states. Because I’m a federal candidate, I can run TV ads 60 days before the election, and the TV networks are required by law to run them. So I can target Catholic and African-American voters in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.”

Randall Terry at FreedomFest in Las Vegas

Randall Terry at FreedomFest in Las Vegas (Fox News)

He rejects the argument that he could act as a spoilsport and take a disproportionate number of votes away from Trump in the election.

“My candidacy is based on the three Ds: defend children, defeat the Democratic candidate, destroy the Democratic Party. That’s the mission. And for every voter who votes for Trump, I think 20 will leave the Democrats because our ads are so targeted, because we make our messages so powerful. Tom DeLay, the former House Majority Leader, has joined us. He’s raising money for us. And he’s said every Republican in America should give you money. You’re the secret weapon because we can torpedo the Democrats with this message, which will ultimately help Trump.”


Terry’s economic policy focuses on reducing regulation and taxation and promoting energy production and independence.

Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in York, Pennsylvania on Monday.

Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in York, Pennsylvania on Monday. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

“The Constitution Party’s economic policy is simple: less regulation, lower taxes,” he said. “Stop holding a gun to people’s heads to make them pay for your favorite gift. America had an average 1% tax on the entire population until 1913, except for the Civil War when war debts were being paid off. When we had incredibly low taxes and little government regulation, we became the economic miracle of the world,” he said. “And now, with so much government regulation and so many taxes, we’re driving businesses overseas or we’re ruining them. You want a big, free, prosperous country? Drill, baby, drill, open the pipeline. Bring fuel here. … Make us energy independent. Become an oil exporter and say goodbye to Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.”

Terry expressed concern that the Ukraine conflict was serving as a distraction from the machinations of China, which he believed posed a far greater threat.

“I think Putin’s obsession with Russia’s ancestral territories is what drives him. And the question is, how much American wealth, how much American blood … are we willing to shed in these conflicts? And that’s where I think we have real and honorable disagreements. We’re sitting idly by while China is literally getting ready to become the dominant power in the world. China is getting ready to become the dominant power militarily and economically. … We’re sitting idly by while China is getting ready to take over Taiwan and become the world’s military and economic superpower, but we’re obsessed with Russia and Ukraine. I smell a roast.”

Terry believes that the emerging Moscow-Beijing axis facilitates the export of tyranny and continues to pose a significant threat to the West. He also argues that failed American policies have driven the two powers together.

Russia China SOC

Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) and Chinese President Xi Jinping (Sergei Bobylev/Sputnik/Kremlin pool photo via AP/File)

“Historically, the Russian and Chinese communists have not gotten along,” he said. “We are driving Russia into the arms of China. Historically, we have much more in common with the Russians in terms of our connection to Christianity, to Russian Orthodoxy,” he said, “but they are now openly discussing breaking the dominance of the American dollar over oil. Once oil no longer has to be traded in dollars by law or by international treaties, anything is possible.”


“We don’t even know what will happen then. And if they create some kind of new triumvirate or coalition between Russia, which has huge untapped oil fields, China, which is a huge economic power, and then maybe Iran or some other country that produces heavy oil, then they will be able to say to the West, ‘Go to hell, we’ll do what we want.’ And they will export their political tyranny and control not only Hollywood but small governments.”

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