
The Head of Publisher Raw Fury doesn’t mince his words and gives two incredible arguments for the path to the indie title

The Head of Publisher Raw Fury doesn’t mince his words and gives two incredible arguments for the path to the indie title

Raw Fury games are widely loved for their engaging narratives, interesting gameplay mechanics, and likable characters (even the animals). But one of the most enticing aspects of the studio’s titles is its distinctive art style, which sets it apart from much of the competition in the same space.

The art design of a game can be the defining characteristic of a studio, but Raw Fury doesn’t seem to agree with that notion. Most of the team’s titles have a unique art style that differs from that of its siblings, and the reason for this, according to the founder, is the human element of art.

Founder of Raw Fury explains that AI cannot imitate human creativity

Artificial intelligence has been a hot topic for some time now, and the excitement won’t die down until innovations stop hitting the market. AI may make some jobs easier, but it’s not the most accepted tool out there. Well, the creator of Indie games Jónas Björgvin Antonsson of the Raw Fury studio has something to say about this in his recent AMA on X.

AMAs like this are a great way for aspiring game developers to learn from the advice of experienced experts in the field. When someone asked for advice on how to make indie games in their free time and what Jónas himself finds appealing, the founder’s answer focused on keeping the experience authentic.

AI can make some tasks easier, but this carries the risk that the result will seem artificial and hollow. Even AAA developers like Bethesda has used procedural generation in Starfieldand this has caused many players to criticize the settings in the game. Jónas has explained very clearly that AI not only cannot replace real art, but also cannot fool those who truly appreciate art and the effort that goes into a project.

The second point Jónas makes is that anyone who wants to enter the indie space should do so because they have a story to tell. Doing it for the money may not be the best motivator in an industry where even working with major subscription services does not guarantee the developer success.

Indie games now even compete with AAA classics

The character from “Raw Fury”, Sable, rides his hoverbike, whose engines produce jet trails.
Raw Fury prides itself on giving its titles a unique look | Credits: Raw Fury

In the past, indie games may not have been taken seriously because they were far from AAA titles in terms of quality. However, this gap has now shrunk dramatically, largely due to the advancement of technology and knowledge, and the playing field is now much more level.

Even Raw Fury’s upcoming horror project Posttraumatic stress disorder was against people like the Silent Hill 2 New edition! There is also a conscious shift in the gaming sector towards titles that reflect effort and attention to detail. This can be seen in the wave of criticism directed at studios like Ubisoft.

They are constantly accused of releasing formulaic games that lack innovation and ingenuity. With the right platforms, indie games have the chance to outperform even their AAA competitors.

To ensure this, however, developers must not have the AAA mentality of only wanting to generate revenue, but rather must orient themselves towards Jónas’ way of thinking in order to be successful.

What do you think about the indie gaming scene? Let us know in the comments below!

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