
Viewers of “The Terror” will learn a “haunting” true story that served as inspiration for a “distinctive horror series.”

Viewers of “The Terror” will learn a “haunting” true story that served as inspiration for a “distinctive horror series.”

As a spectator of the The Terror have been following the show with enthusiasm since it aired on ITV X, many will be asking themselves a specific question.

“Wait, what do you mean this is based on a true story?”

The scary horror series starring Ciaran Hinds and Jared Harris is about a group of polar explorers from the 19th century.

Admittedly, there are certain aspects in which the filmmakers May I took a little artistic liberty.

However, we cannot promise you that it will not a huge hidden ghost polar animal that is bigger than a bear that eats people, there is unfortunately no evidence that it Was one.

However, much of the rest of the show was inspired by true events and fans are only just finding out.

Warning, spoilers for “The Terror”.

If you look further than this screaming figure from The Terror, you will see spoilers. (AMC)

If you look further than this screaming figure from The Terror, you will see spoilers. (AMC)

In a post on the subreddit r/TheTerror, a new fan asked how much of this was true, and was confronted with the fact that it’s… well, all of it.

The most shocking detail, but one that is actually true, is the fact that when the ship’s crew were stuck in the ice, they resorted to cannibalism to stay alive.

Another fan commented: “All the characters on board the ship and the white explorer at the beginning and end (John Rae) are based on real people on the expedition. Even if it’s just a name on the ship’s list.”

“The Inuit reported that the ships got stuck in the ice and the men resorted to cannibalism.

Unfortunately, no member of either ship survived. (AMC)

Unfortunately, no member of either ship survived. (AMC)

“Unlike in the series, they may not have intentionally killed each other to get the meat, but simply ate those who were already dead.

“Men in England, including Franklin’s widow and Charles Dickens, did not like this and tarnished John Rae’s name.”

The Independent reported this true story, saying: “Rae’s account suggested cannibalism, which was confirmed many years later by cut marks on some of the bones of corpses later recovered from the sites of the shipwrecks.

“Some of the bodies showed signs of lead poisoning, probably due to the shoddily made containers in which provisions were stored.”

An engraving of both ships. (Bettmann via Getty Images)

An engraving of both ships. (Bettmann via Getty Images)

The shipwrecks of the two ships featured in the series, including the titular Terror, were found in the last ten years.

One ship, the Erebus, was found by Canadian archaeologists in 2014, while The Terror was discovered two years later.

A good description of the true and untrue elements of the show comes in the form of a Reddit comment on a post in r/horror asking about the best horror movies “based on a true story.”

They commented: “A bit of an odd choice, but the first season of THE TERROR was based on a true incident. These two ships were trapped in the ice trying to find the Northwest Passage and nobody survived.

The show is actually pretty historically accurate, no matter how crazy it is. (AMC)

The show is actually pretty historically accurate, no matter how crazy it is. (AMC)

“Of course, the bear ghost monster show added horror and supernatural elements, but the facts about starvation and death on the ice were real.

“They know that some crew members left the ships and tried to reach civilization and that they carried some strange things with them (such as a silver dinner set), as depicted in the series.

“I can’t imagine the horror of surviving more than two years on the ice and a long trek across the tundra and then slowly starving to death in the middle of nowhere.”

This time too, the scariest horror shows and films based on true events will be shown.

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