
The barmaid made fun of the drink he ordered, so he embarrassed her with a sad story about his mother and got the last laugh » TwistedSifter

The barmaid made fun of the drink he ordered, so he embarrassed her with a sad story about his mother and got the last laugh » TwistedSifter

The barmaid made fun of the drink he ordered, so he embarrassed her with a sad story about his mother and got the last laugh » TwistedSifterThe barmaid made fun of the drink he ordered, so he embarrassed her with a sad story about his mother and got the last laugh » TwistedSifter

I don’t drink as much beer as I did when I was younger, so these days I’m more likely to order a vodka and soda when I go to a bar.

That’s a fitting drink for a grown man, right?

Well, apparently not…

Because when I ordered this exact drink a few weeks ago, the bartender laughed in my face.

Strange, right?

And I guess this was not an isolated case.

Check out what happened in this story from Reddit.

“I was on holiday with my son (14) and we watched football in a bar in the evening.

I don’t really drink much, but I like to enjoy a cocktail on vacation.

The waitress came over and asked if we wanted anything to drink. I ordered a pina colada and she giggled a little at the order, laughed a little “okay” and then walked away to make it.

That’s funny …

This annoyed me a little, I’m just a grown man who wants to drink a delicious cocktail, what’s wrong with that?

When she brought the drink back, I got my little revenge.

As she placed the drink on the table, I said, “My mother loved these, God rest her soul. I always drink one on the anniversary of her death to remember her.”

It worked!

She looked horrified and tried to shuffle away quickly, so I asked her for a cocktail stirrer so she had to come back.

When she came back, I took a sip from the straw, kissed my hand and pointed to the sky, trying to look sad.

She was visibly so uncomfortable that I had to suppress my own laughter.

She then conspicuously avoided our table several times.”

Check out what people had to say on Reddit.

This reader chimed in.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

Another person told a story.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

Another Reddit user gave people a history lesson.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

This person was there.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

And another Reddit user shared his thoughts.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

Isn’t it time we let men be men and allow them to order fruity drinks if they want?

If you liked this post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what he wanted.

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