
Can dogs eat watermelon seeds? Veterinarian-approved nutritional facts and information – Dogster

Can dogs eat watermelon seeds? Veterinarian-approved nutritional facts and information – Dogster

Dr. Lauren Demos Photo

The information is current and corresponds to the latest state of veterinary research.

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Watermelons are synonymous with summer. People love them, with per capita consumption in 2022 being 6.4 kilograms.1 It’s an ancient fruit, with archaeological evidence dating back 5,000 years. Its name describes its outstanding thirst-quenching ability. Although the flesh is delicious, it produces a lot of waste. However, early Americans figured out what to do with the peel. They pickled it!

The other question, however, concerns the seeds. Many people find them a nuisance. No wonder seedless varieties have been around for about 50 years. The question remains: is it safe to eat watermelon seeds? Can your dog eat them? Although swallowing a seed or two is unlikely to be a serious problem, we do not recommend giving them to your pet or eating them yourself. The facts may surprise you.

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The Dangers of Feeding Watermelon Seeds to Dogs

Scientists did not develop seedless watermelons through genetic modification. It is simply a matter of cross-breeding plants with desirable traits, a practice almost as old as agriculture. While many people eat various nuts without harm, fruit pits are sometimes problematic. Peaches and apricot pits, for example, contain a chemical that turns into hydrogen cyanide when metabolized. Yes, you read that right.

Watermelon is one of the Cucurbitaceae or cucurbits. These include well-known and safe foods such as melons, zucchini and pumpkins. Many contain relatively large seeds. This has led some researchers to consider their suitability as food. After all, manufacturers roast and sell pumpkin seeds. Why not watermelon seeds too? However, we do not recommend seeds for your dog, and that includes watermelon seeds.

Watermelon, sweet, juicy
Photo by stevepb, Pixabay

Risk of constipation

The size of watermelon seeds is a problem. They are large and hard, making them difficult for a dog to chew. They are often swallowed whole, which can theoretically pose a risk of gastrointestinal obstruction. Your pet’s body does not digest them properly. Instead, they are likely to be excreted whole. Eating too many of them can cause a blockage, which is a medical emergency. Signs of a blockage include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomit
  • Gastrointestinal complaints
  • lethargy
  • Abdominal pain
  • Flatulence

Immediate medical attention is essential. Gastrointestinal blockages often require surgical removal. Giving your dog a handful of watermelon seeds is certainly not worth the risk. Remember that many dogs eat indiscriminately. They often gulp down their food without much chewing, putting themselves at risk. The best prevention is to not give your pet foods that could cause a blockage.

Nutritional problems

Seeds and nuts are delicious, but often very high in calories. They need to support the growth of a new plant, so they are naturally packed with nutrients, including fat. A 30g serving of watermelon seeds contains 158 calories. That’s more than half the recommended daily calorie intake for a 10lb dog. It also contains 13.4 grams of fat. That’s almost all of the minimum amount for an adult dog.

Feeding your pet high-calorie food increases the risk of obesity and related health complications such as diabetes and heart disease. Treats count as calories your pet consumes and should only make up 10% of your pet’s total calorie intake. These seeds can also be difficult for your dog to digest, despite the animal’s dietary adaptations due to domestication.

watermelon, melon, natural
Photo by Pexels, Pixabay

Possible toxicity

Our research has uncovered a study that raises another red flag about watermelon seeds. Even studies that support the consumption of these foods raise concerns about the presence of what are known as antinutrients, chemical compounds that can interfere with nutrient absorption. The problem with watermelon seeds concerns phytoestrogens.

The concern is their potential role as hormone disruptors. These chemicals may have some health benefits, but they may also carry health risks that may outweigh the benefits they bring. To be clear, the study we did involved rats, not dogs. However, we share 82% of our genes with dogs and 69% with rats, so genetic overlap is possible.

The researchers fed rats a diet of either 2.5% or 5% watermelon seeds for 21 days. They monitored the rodents for various physical and blood chemistry factors. The seeds had no significant effect on the animals’ cholesterol levels or cholesterol counts. Consumption correlated with spikes in creatinine and urea levels, suggesting possible negative effects on the kidneys in male and female rats.

The team also found abnormalities in the male rats’ sperm, suggesting possible negative effects on their reproductive system. These results demonstrate the negative effects of phytoestrogens, especially on male rats. Of course, more research is needed. However, it is notable that these effects occurred in a relatively short period of time.

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People don’t usually eat watermelon seeds. Perhaps the reason for this now is something other than aesthetics. Research is still ongoing. However, given the risk of gastrointestinal blockages and the results of the study mentioned, we do not recommend giving watermelon seeds to your dog.

The effects may not cross species boundaries, but are concerning enough to discourage this addition to your puppy’s diet.

Photo credit: Petrucy, Pixabay

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