
VIR conference promotes green solutions in the automotive industry

VIR conference promotes green solutions in the automotive industry

VIR hosted a conference on emissions reduction in the automotive industry on August 29 with the motto “All roads lead to net zero” to accelerate the transition to sustainable mobility.

VIR conference promotes green solutions in the automotive industry

In his speech to the conference, Le Trong Minh said: VIR Editor-in-Chiefsaid: “If every car on the road is considered a mobile emission station, there are nearly 6.5 million such emission stations in Vietnam. These cars are also considered the main cause of air pollution and directly affect people’s health.”

“It is crucial to rebuild, replace or even shut down these emission stations in line with the global trend. This is also an urgent task if Vietnam wants to achieve its net zero target by 2050. This is especially true given that Vietnam has a rapidly growing population, stable economic growth and plenty of room for development in the automotive industry.”

If the country does not immediately find solutions to promote the environmentally friendly automobile industry, mobile emission stations will continue to be an obstacle to solving the problems of sustainable development, he added.

Faced with this reality, both the government and business have taken practical measures to revitalize the automobile industry, pave the way for green cars and ensure greener, cleaner transport.

More and more four-wheel vehicles are now equipped with modern, fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies. This trend has helped reduce smoke, dust and noise pollution, gradually creating a new face of transport to achieve the country’s net-zero goals by 2050.

According to Minh, there are huge opportunities for strong growth in the low- or zero-emission vehicle market. At the same time, there are not as many major obstacles hindering Vietnam’s transition from internal combustion engines to electric vehicles as in other automobile production centers. The country even has a golden opportunity to become an electric vehicle production and export hotspot if drastic measures are taken in parallel with the government’s efforts to promote the transition to a green economy.

“Encouraging consumers to switch to electric vehicles requires the cooperation of all ministries and companies. Each path must be planned harmoniously and sensibly to achieve the same goal. The transition to green energy aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation industry in general and the automotive sector in particular,” Minh noted.

VIR conference promotes green solutions in the automotive industry

By Thanh Van

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