
How many plates of Chhole Bhature can Sunil Chhetri eat in one go? Amazing details revealed! | Football News

How many plates of Chhole Bhature can Sunil Chhetri eat in one go? Amazing details revealed! | Football News

A handful of fans know about Sunil Chhetri’s appetite and special love for Indian street food. In a recent interview, the legendary footballer named his favourite cheat meals and also revealed how much Chhole Bhature he can eat in one sitting.

Sunil Chhetri and his love for street food are quite tempting. (Photo – Screenshot @TheLallantop)

New Delhi: Little does anyone know that Indian football legend Sunil Chhetri is a fan of street food and has not just one but a whole host of cheat meals that make his mouth water. It sounds odd considering his stunning physique, but the former Indian captain himself has opened up about his food cravings and how madly in love he is with Indian street food. He has a long list of dishes that drive him crazy.

In a recent conversation with The Lallantop, Chhetri was asked about his life and career and to everyone’s surprise, he spoke quite extensively and vividly about his love for food. The interviewer asked him about his five favourite cheat meals to which he replied, “Oh, just five?” He straight up named Chhole Bhature as his absolute favourite dish and spoke vividly about how he likes to eat it.

He was then asked how many bhaturas he can eat in one sitting and the football icon revealed astonishing numbers. He said that there is no counting when it comes to chhole bhature. “Don’t go over my looks (my physique), I can eat,” said Chhetri and further revealed that he can easily devour 5-7 plates of chhole bhature quickly, so around 10-12 bhaturas all by himself.

He also talked about his love of ginger tea made with milk and sugar, combined with samosas. Whenever he comes to Delhi, he eats bread pakoras, especially in winter. “Sweet dishes have disappeared from my life. I don’t like them anymore,” said Chhetri. He finished with wheat parathas made from paneer and said that even Kohli could follow his example.

Watch the video here –

Chhetri and Virat Kohli

Indian fans might have last seen him around food when he had a chat with Indian cricket ace Virat Kohli during the COVID-19 lockdown, which went viral on the internet. In the video, Chhetri is seen asking Kohli about his favourite cheat foods that he would eat if he had a day off from it. Kohli named a long list and told fans about his crazy appetite despite his top-notch physique. Both Chhetri and Kohli are very camaraderie-like.

Chhetri, who recently retired from international football, has made a tremendous contribution to Indian football. His triumphs in the Indian football circuit are unparalleled. Among active footballers, Chhetri immediately came just behind Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi on the list of the most successful goalscorers in international football.

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