
A look at the history and culture of birthday celebrations around the world

A look at the history and culture of birthday celebrations around the world

In many cultures, birthday celebrations hold a special place in people’s hearts, regardless of age, race or tradition. It is a very meaningful event and is often marked with intense and joyful celebrations.

The origins of birthday celebrations can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians, who attached special importance to the anniversary of a person’s birth. Among the Greeks, birthday ceremonies probably originated from occasional rituals in which sacrifices were made to the gods to seek the blessings of the person celebrating the birthday. In contrast, the Jews do not attach such importance to the day itself. Very little importance is given to birthday celebrations in the major textbooks on Hinduism or Hindu religious practices.

In earlier times, with the advent of the modern calendar and data collection, birthday celebrations as we know them today gained popularity. In most of the countries studied so far, culture and religion play a central role in influencing the meaning and manner in which a person’s birthday is celebrated.

Birthday parties are now celebrated with cakes in many parts of the world. However, the connection between cakes and birthday parties may date back to the time of the ancient Romans, where cakes were occasionally served on special birthdays and weddings. These were circles made of flour and nuts, leavened with yeast and sweetened with honey.

Although the exact origin of the birthday candle ritual is unknown, there are several theories. One theory explaining the tradition of placing candles on birthday cakes dates back to the early Greeks, who used candles on the sixth day of each lunar month to honor the birth of the goddess Artemis. However, the connection between her oversight of fertility and the birthday tradition of candles on cakes has not been proven.

In different cultures, birthday is celebrated in different ways, each culture has its own traditions, rituals and customs. Let’s take a trip around the world and check out some interesting customs of birthday celebrations.

Birthdays in Spain are associated with a strange ritual: ear pulling. This tradition, known as “los tirones de oreja”, involves gently pulling the birthday child’s earlobe once for each year of their life. Some believe that ear pulling can be a sign of a longer life, as they are a body part that never stops growing.

Latin America
In Latin American countries such as Ecuador, Peru and Mexico, the most extravagant birthday celebration for a girl takes place at the age of 15, the so-called Quinceañera. The birthday girl puts on an elaborate pink dress and her first pair of high heels, is accompanied by an entourage of 14 young men and women and dances with her father.

In Israel, the 13th birthday is the most significant, celebrated with a Bar or Bat Mitzvah party. This coming of age event requires months of preparation and marks the child’s acceptance of following Jewish law.

If you have a sweet tooth, Australia might be the place for you when it comes to birthday celebrations. The most popular sweet treat is something called “Fairy Bread”, which is white bread spread with butter, cut into triangles and sprinkled with sprinkles!


It is quite normal these days to wish someone a happy birthday in advance. Not so in Germany. Superstition says that wishing someone a happy birthday in advance is very bad luck. You can celebrate your birthday the night before, which is called “reinfeiern”, but don’t expect any congratulations until the clock strikes midnight.

South Korea

If you celebrate your birthday in South Korea, you can expect to be served a dish of miyeok-gook, a seaweed soup. Tradition holds that this healthy dish, rich in iron and iodine, is eaten on every birthday. This shows respect and gratitude to the mother, as it is a common meal for mothers before and after giving birth.


The rich mix of colors, music and dance is simply divine on the African continent! Traditional instruments paired with colorful clothing enhance the feeling of unity and happiness at birthday celebrations.
Birthday traditions vary across African countries, but in general, birthdays are seen as an opportunity for reflection, to express gratitude for life, and also to ask for blessings for the future.

Symbolic rituals such as the breaking of bread, pouring libations and exchanging culturally significant gifts also play a central role in African birthday celebrations. Community feasts where loved ones come together and enjoy traditional African dishes, often accompanied by heartfelt speeches and congratulations, are also common. Personal stories about the person celebrating their birthday are told. As African cultures continue to evolve, Western influences are shaping birthday customs.

In an increasingly interconnected world, understanding and respecting cultural differences is of paramount importance. Birthdays are an ideal platform to celebrate diversity and celebrate multiculturalism.

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