
Celebrate with us at the Zac Crain Film Fest!

Celebrate with us at the Zac Crain Film Fest!

First of all, thank you to everyone who came to Zac’s celebration of life on Saturday at the Texas Theater. It was great to see old friends, but also people who had never met Zac and only came because they liked his writing. One person emailed: “The atmosphere at the Texas Theater was incredible and I cried several times, especially when his sister spoke. I left with a deep sense of connection to the town that Zac loved so much.” Thanks especially to Pleasant Grove and Will Johnson. The music was wonderful and made the event special. Really, really good stuff.

And now for the next event! (And I promise: There will only be, oh, six or seven more tributes to Zac. (Just kidding.)) We’re partnering with the Texas Theatre again, this time for the shortest film festival in world history, screening two films from 2000 that Zac Crain really loved. The title of the film festival is actually longer than the film festival itself.

Zac liked Michael Chabon. He probably preferred The incredible adventures of Kavalier and Clay above Wonderboysbut only the last of the two was made into a film. He was a fan of that film. Zac also liked Nick Hornby’s novel High fidelitywhich was also made into a film and came out the same year as the Chabon adaptation. So Eric Celeste, the artistic director of the shortest film festival in world history, which showed two films from 2000 that Zac Crain really loved, chose the two films.

And this is how the festival works: We will show both films on September 15th in the upper cinema of the Texas Theatre. There are only 160 seats there. High fidelity goes first, at 4 p.m. Buy your tickets (and watch a trailer) here. Then we’ll take a break for about an hour for food. Or a drink break. If you want, just drink a couple of IPAs at the bar at the Texas Theater. No judgement. However you want to fuel up, we’ll start at 7 p.m. Wonderboys– in 35mm format! If you’re a film snob like Eric Celeste, then you know how cool that is. Buy your tickets (and watch a trailer) for this flick right here.

I already know your next question. “What if I love Michael Douglas and Tobey Maguire and Frances McDormand and Robert Downey Jr., but I hate John Cusack and Jack Black?” I think you have a problem. I mean, first of all, you plan on drinking six IPAs during the intermission. But how can you hate John Cusack and Jack Black? They are American treasures. But OK. Fine. Just buy tickets for Wonderboys. You don’t have to watch both Movies. But guess what? Then you’ve only seen one movie. You haven’t actually attended the shortest film festival in world history, which featured two 2000 movies that Zac Crain really loved. And the ghost of Zac will probably haunt you.

September 15th. Texas Theater. See you there.


Tim Rogers

Tim is editor of D Magazinewhere he has worked since 2001. He won a National Magazine Award in…

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