
The weather at the semi-final match of the Open Cup does not dampen the mood of Sporting KC fans

The weather at the semi-final match of the Open Cup does not dampen the mood of Sporting KC fans

KANSAS CITY, Kansas (KCTV) – Soccer fans flocked to Children’s Mercy Park on Tuesday for the U.S. Open Cup semifinal between Sporting KC and Indy Eleven.

“I’m really looking forward to the game tonight,” Porter Strand said.

As fans entered the stadium, storms blew through the area.

“Well, it’s pretty stormy and really exciting,” said Elijah Jones. “I’m going to cheer super loud.”

However, this did not dampen the mood among the fans.

“Not at all!” said Ross Harris when asked if the storms were a problem for fan support. “Why should they be? I mean, it’s football. You can play in the rain and you can watch in the rain.”

“Despite the rain, we’re going to have a lot of fun tonight,” said Emily Harris. “We’re excited. It’s going to be a great time.”

Some fans came to the game wearing ponchos and rain jackets, while others braved the elements.

“You never know what to expect in Kansas, but we’re just happy to be here and to be playing the game,” Sadie Roubinek said. “We’ll be here rain or shine.”

Because a heat advisory was issued for the day, fans at Children’s Mercy Park were allowed to bring a 20-ounce water bottle into the stadium. Umbrellas, however, are prohibited, leaving some to choose between walking back to their cars and storing the umbrellas or just throwing them away.

Because kickoff was delayed until 9:44 p.m. due to weather, Sporting KC offered fans free $10 worth of SportingPay.

The weather made some fans feel at home, like Stephan Blaakman, who flew in from out of state to enjoy the game with his father.

“Yes, I came from Spokane, Washington,” Blaakman said. “I came all the way here just for the game, so I’m excited. The semifinals are coming up!”

“We’re both soccer players,” said his father, Derek Blaakman. “We’ve played all our lives. This is soccer weather.”

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