
AI-powered big data research improves understanding of systemic vasculitis

AI-powered big data research improves understanding of systemic vasculitis

Blood vessels

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Researchers from the School of Medicine and the ADAPT Centre of the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin, in collaboration with researchers from Lund University, have achieved a major breakthrough in vasculitis research. Their results, recently published in The Lancet Rheumatologyprovide new insights into the diagnosis and treatment of systemic vasculitis, a group of rare and complex autoimmune diseases.

The study, part of the FAIRVASC project, uses advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and big data techniques to address critical challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of systemic vasculitis. FAIRVASC connects vasculitis patient registries across Europe, enabling seamless data sharing and advanced analytics to advance research and improve patient care.

The research focuses on antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis and introduces a novel approach to classifying this disease based on a federated dataset that is ten times larger than previous studies.

Access to this much larger dataset will enable more detailed analysis and uncover previously unidentified disease clusters. This new classification method provides more accurate predictions of outcomes such as overall survival and kidney health, paving the way for more personalized treatment strategies that can significantly improve patient care.

Professor Mark Little, Professor of Nephrology and Consultant Nephrologist at Trinity College Dublin and Tallaght and Beaumont Hospitals, said: “Our research shows that by using advanced AI systems and large-scale data sets, we can uncover new patterns in this rare autoimmune disease that have implications for the likelihood of adverse outcomes. This will enable us to focus potentially toxic therapies on those most likely to benefit.

“Such progress was only possible through a multidisciplinary approach and the direct involvement of patients with their own experience of the disease. This collaborative project has successfully brought together experts from the fields of medicine, computer science and statistics.”

Professor Declan O’Sullivan, Principal Investigator at ADAPT and Professor of Computer Science at Trinity College, said: “I am delighted that the research we are focusing on in our group, knowledge graphs for data integration, is having an impact on the advancement of medical research, particularly the integration of patient registries for rare diseases.”

The study highlights the transformative potential of AI in medical research, particularly in addressing the complexity of rare diseases where it has previously not been possible to form sufficiently large cohorts to enable meaningful research.

By enabling more precise identification of disease patterns, AI can revolutionize the way doctors approach diagnosis and treatment, offering hope for better outcomes not only to vasculitis patients but also to people with other rare and difficult diseases.

This research provides a blueprint for using advanced technologies to address similar challenges in the broader rare disease field and has the potential to lead to breakthroughs that could benefit countless patients worldwide.

Further information:
Karl Gisslander et al., Data-based subclassification of ANCA-associated vasculitis: model-based clustering of a federated international cohort, The Lancet Rheumatology (2024). DOI: 10.1016/S2665-9913(24)00187-5

Offered by Trinity College Dublin

Quote: AI-powered big data research improves understanding of systemic vasculitis (August 27, 2024), accessed August 27, 2024 from

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