
“BEAR”-CUTE PHOTOS! Mama bear and 3 cubs move to new home in the Colorado wilderness

“BEAR”-CUTE PHOTOS! Mama bear and 3 cubs move to new home in the Colorado wilderness

DURANGO, Colorado (KKTV) – It was a strong end for a bear and her three cubs.

The family gets a second chance at a life far away from bad human influences.

“Human food sources, especially unsecured garbage, lured this family of bears into the city, where they became too comfortable and caused trouble, pushing their limits a little further each day,” says Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

It was time to remove the family from temptation.

At the end of last week, game wardens tracked down the mother bear and her three cubs.

Nap for the boys:

The family was then driven 85 miles away to start a new life in the Colorado wilderness.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife says everything turned out well for this family, but there have been too many cases in Colorado that have ended tragically for the bears.

“Conflicts with bears and, unfortunately, bear euthanasia are mostly the result of human behavior. It is the responsibility of all of us to minimize the risks to humans and bears by being aware of our impacts,” CPW said.

We are currently in peak season for bears as the animals search for food before hibernating.

“Twenty chicken sandwiches, ten large portions of French fries, ten soft drinks, and ten milkshakes are about the fast-food orders needed to consume a total of 20,000 calories. That’s the amount of calories a hungry black bear consumes each day due to hyperphagia, a biologically driven increase in eating activity, as it puts on weight to build up its fat reserves and survive the winter.

“More than half of the bear incidents reported in 2023 occurred during the months of August, September and October. And as bears begin this annual journey to prepare for winter and search for food, Coloradans may see more bear activity in urban areas.”

Click here for information from CPW on bear-proofing your homes, vehicles, etc.

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