
US ceasefire plans are a ploy to give Israel Palestinian land

US ceasefire plans are a ploy to give Israel Palestinian land

The United States and Britain continue to support Israel’s genocide

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


US Secretary of Defense Flickr August 6, 2024 Secretary of State Antony Blinken is a fraud (Image: Chad J. McNeeley)US ceasefire plans are a ploy to give Israel Palestinian land

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is a fraud (Image: Chad J. McNeeley)

A gigantic fraud is taking place in connection with the failure of a supposed ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip. Israel and its Western backers blame Hamas, but the real reason is that Israel made an agreement impossible.

One of the main points of contention in the talks was Israel’s demand to keep troops in the Philadelphia Corridor, a 15-kilometer-long strip of land along Gaza’s southern border with Egypt.

The idea that Israel would remain in the corridor is a clear violation of a 2005 agreement governing the area, which prohibits the stationing of Israeli troops there.

Hamas insisted that any agreement must include the freedom of Gaza residents to return to their homes.

The country is also demanding aid and reconstruction for Gaza – as well as an agreement on prisoner exchange.

At the talks in Cairo, the Hamas delegation demanded that Israel adhere to the agreements reached at earlier talks on July 2.

This plan was put forward by US President Joe Biden and supported by a UN Security Council resolution.

Francesca Albanese, a UN official for the occupied Palestinian territories, said: “History is repeating itself. Israel is using the negotiations to eat up more of what is left of Palestine.”

“Under the guise of ‘ceasefire negotiations’, Israel is trying to create the conditions for permanent occupation and further land grabs.

“Anyone familiar with the history of Palestine will recognize the pattern of settler colonialism in what is happening to the Palestinians under Israel’s unlawful occupation.”

According to the Gaza government, Israel has now crammed 1.7 million displaced Palestinians into just one-tenth of the area of ​​the Gaza Strip.

This drastic reduction in living space comes in the wake of new evacuation orders issued by the Israeli military, further restricting the areas considered “safe” for civilians.

In a statement released last week, the Gaza Authority condemned the Israeli military’s actions as “some of the most heinous crimes against the civilian population in the Gaza Strip.”

Hamas claims Britain “contributed” to genocide

In the first statement of its kind, Palestinian resistance group Hamas has targeted Britain’s secret role in supporting Israel’s genocidal attack on the Gaza Strip.

According to the Quds News Network, Hamas stated that British intelligence operations had directly contributed to the deaths of thousands of women and children in the Gaza Strip.

In December last year, the British Ministry of Defence announced that it would conduct surveillance flights over Israel and Gaza.

They were said to be “providing intelligence to Tel Aviv as part of the hostage rescue effort.”

The ministry claimed that these surveillance planes were unarmed and had no combat function, and that their sole task was to track down Israeli prisoners.

Two months ago, a senior Israeli official revealed that a British spy team had been operating in Israel since the bombing campaign began last October.

This revelation, highlighted in a New York Times report, also found that both British and US spies were active in Israel throughout the genocide.

The Israeli official said the intelligence provided by Britain had given the Israeli forces a significant advantage.

British medics in Gaza with message for Starmer

Dozens of UK-based doctors, nurses and medical professionals who have worked in the Gaza Strip called on Keir Starmer to stop arms sales to Israel.

In an open letter coordinated by the human rights group International Centre of Justice for Palestinians, the health workers warned the Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary David Lammy that they risked violating international law by continuing their arms sales.

They said stopping the sale was “both morally and legally right.”

“Many of us find it difficult to describe the scenes we witnessed in Gaza, not least knowing that many of the injuries we treated could have been caused by the use of weapons systems and components supplied from the UK,” the letter said.

The letter also said: “With only a few exceptions, everyone in Gaza is sick, injured or both.”

Citing British law, international humanitarian law and Britain’s own criteria for strategic export licensing, the signatories stressed that the sales must be stopped at all costs.

Israeli bombs target more schools

On Monday, Israeli bombs hit the Al-Ezz Bin Abdul Salam school, the latest attack on a school converted into a shelter.

The Gaza Strip’s Civil Defense Authority said last Wednesday that Israeli bombs killed at least four people and injured 18 at the Salah al-Din school.

It had given shelter to displaced Palestinians. Palestinian journalist Hossam Shabat noted bitterly: “Another school massacre in northern Gaza. This is being done intentionally to displace the remaining population.”

“For ten months, Israeli occupation forces have been trying to ethnically cleanse northern Gaza.

“They have bombed us, starved us and are now targeting the most populated areas. These people are not interested in a ceasefire, they just want to kill Palestinians.”

Israel has repeatedly attacked schools, hospitals and universities in Gaza. Injuries In a ten-day period in August, Israeli forces attacked five schools in Gaza City, killing over 179 people and injuring scores more.

Israel killed at least 15 people at the Dalal al-Mughrabi school on August 1. Two days later, Israeli attacks on the Hamama and al-Huda schools killed 17 people and injured more than 60.

On August 4, Israeli rockets killed at least 30 people at the Nassr and Hassan Salameh schools in the Nassr neighborhood of Gaza City.

Israel bombed the Abdel Fattah Hamouda and Az-Zahra schools on August 8, killing 17 people. On August 10, Israel attacked the Al-Tabin school in Gaza City, killing over 100 displaced Palestinians.

Diary of a Palestinian protest

Sat 31 Aug “Divest for Palestine” action day in the city councils. Details at

Sat., 7 Sept.12 noon in central London – national demonstration

Sat 21 Sept12pm, Liverpool – Protest at the Labour Party Conference

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