
Help publish Keith’s book and bring his library home

Help publish Keith’s book and bring his library home

My wonderful father, Keith Stump, left this world on August 25th, four days before his 74th birthday. He died peacefully in his sleep and was found peacefully by his wonderful friend and caregiver, Sandra. A little backstory: On October 1st, 2011, while working stressful night shifts as a legal editor for a major law firm, he suffered a severe right brain hemorrhagic stroke that paralyzed the left side of his body but left his left brain and intuition completely intact. His doctors gave him one week to live. After he passed that one week, his doctors informed us he probably wouldn’t live another month. I told the doctors, “You obviously don’t know my father!” Well, he made it 13 more YEARS, and after living with me in Florida for five years, he moved to Peru and wrote a wonderful autobiography/spiritual text documenting TWELVE incarnations of his soul. I can hardly express how powerful this information is! The book is 95 percent complete and he has left it up to me to finish it. What I have read so far is overwhelming and surely one of the most powerful and compelling spiritual books of this millennium. I have taken on the task of completing and editing his manuscript, now over 900 pages long. Growing up, my father, the editor, taught me the importance of grammar, punctuation and spelling. He also gave me the gift of traveling to five continents by the age of 14. I pray that I can thank him by doing justice to this incredible book. I plan to reduce my workload at my spa to 50 percent so that I can focus on preparing his text for publication.

Many of his friends in Peru, the US, and around the world have asked me, “How can I help?” So I created this campaign to provide an opportunity to contribute to his final expenses, the cost of shipping his 1,000+ books and personal belongings from Peru to the US, and the editing and publication of his incredible book that I believe will change lives and perspectives worldwide. I will send every donor – regardless of the donation amount – a copy of his book when it is published. My father was so grateful for your friendship and so am I. Thank you for helping him achieve his true will and great work. Love to all of you!

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