
Socialist Equality Party candidates receive ballots in Michigan

Socialist Equality Party candidates receive ballots in Michigan

Joseph Kishore and Jerry White submit their signatures to appear on the Michigan ballot on July 18, 2024.

The Michigan Board of State Canvassers voted unanimously on Monday to place Socialist Equality Party candidates Joseph Kishore for president and Jerry White for vice president on the ballot for the November 5 U.S. election.

The SEP candidates qualified through a petition drive that collected over 20,000 signatures from Michigan voters. The petition was submitted last month, and the Democratic Party could find no basis to challenge it. The state Board of Elections reviewed it and concluded that the SEP candidates met the requirement of at least 12,000 valid signatures of registered voters, as well as another requirement of at least 100 signatures in the majority of the state’s congressional districts.

According to the campaign, dozens of SEP supporters have been fighting for more than four months to collect the necessary signatures. Many of them were collected in the Detroit metropolitan area, which includes the four counties of Wayne, Macomb, Oakland and Washtenaw. Thousands of signatures were collected by campaign teams in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Flint, Port Huron and other cities across the state. Residents from 75 of the state’s 83 counties submitted their signatures to elect Kishore and White.

The success of the SEP petition campaign in Michigan has enormous national and international significance. The state of Michigan is a focal point of the 2024 elections. It is a swing state and is at the center of the escalating political crisis in the United States.

Michigan was one of three industrialized states where Donald Trump narrowly defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden defeated Trump in 2020. After the 2020 election, Trump met with Republican lawmakers in the state and tried to get them to overturn his election defeat and replace the Biden electors chosen by voters with Trump electors.

During the 2020 election campaign, a violent right-wing conspiracy aimed to assassinate Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Trump had previously publicly called for “liberating” Michigan from the initial coronavirus lockdown, which was the result of autoworker strikes that forced the closure of major factories. The group that sought to kidnap and execute Whitmer was arrested on the eve of carrying out its plans.

In 2024, the two largest capitalist parties are flooding the state with television and social media advertising, paid campaign workers, and, in the case of the Democrats, a mobilization of union officials and staff. The two parties are likely to spend more than $100 million on their rival campaigns in Michigan alone, and they are poised to spend millions more on legal battles after the election.

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