
.AM celebrates its 30th anniversary today and plans to expand the global use of Armenia’s ccTLD

.AM celebrates its 30th anniversary today and plans to expand the global use of Armenia’s ccTLD

Katarina Gevorgyan, external relations manager and board member of the Internet Society of Armenia, with GoDaddy CEO Aman Bhutani at the 2020 NamesCon Global conference in Austin, Texas.

Nick, who not only supports as a volunteer, but also
Communication and electronics,
conducts its own analysis and marketing for the .am extension via its

Website. He told us: “The ISOC Armenia Chapter has a very limited budget, a handful of sponsors and few investors, probably because most people don’t know where Armenia is.”
It was the first Christian state in the world, founded in 301 AD, and after many wars for its territory and genocide, it is now a small landlocked country with an area of ​​about 3 million people between Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Iran.”

Given this small population, .am supporters recognize that they broaden your horizons to grow. “We have worked hard to promote the .am ccTLD both locally and internationally,” said Nick. “The local chapter operates primarily locally and uses the native Armenian language, while I use my English-language website to reach the global audience. Now, to mark its 30th anniversary, the .am registry is stepping up its promotion with a “30”
topic, including a number of short YouTube Videos under the 30 facts about .AM
Banners. The first three are already online:
30 facts about the .am domain (1-5)
30 facts about the .am domain (6-10)

Facts about the .am domain (11-15)

As soon as further factual videos are published, they will be (published on the Facebook Page

At the local level, .am has hung the banners shown above in the metro stations in Yerevan, Armenia. (Click on the banner to view it in full size).

Nick Cervantes also sees room for .am on the Artificial intelligence as a train AM as suitable for Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning (AM) – A shorter version of (AIML), Artificial Intelligence – Metaverse (AM) and Artificial Intelligence – Marketing (AM). He has published other articles on his website with suggested uses for .am. Asset management is an example.

Nick has not forgotten Web3 And Blockchain
either with the comment: “I have two .am ccTLDs on the new DNS ENS Offchain to show the ISOC.AM chapter that their .am is capable of WEB3The domains are And These are the only 2 known .am ccTLDs that have been included in the new DNS ENS offchain.
More will be added later and the creation of WEB3 sites will begin in the near future.

The domains can be verified on Etherscan or the ENS app.

As for my original thought that .am would be great for radio, it turns out I wasn’t the only one who thought that. 17 Major League Baseball teams
have .am domains to promote or stream their radio shows, including our own Tampa Bay Rays
who use

as a short link to the full list of stations in the Rays Radio Network. Further proof for growth-oriented ccTLDs that more than one path can get you to your goal.

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