
I spent some time in Mexico and this pair of photos, presented as a diptych, captures the atmosphere of the country

I spent some time in Mexico and this pair of photos, presented as a diptych, captures the atmosphere of the country

About Benedict Brain

Benedict Brain with camera

(Photo credit: Marcus Hawkins)

Benedict Brain is a UK-based photographer, journalist and artist. He is a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society and sits on the Society’s Distinctions Advisory Panel. He is also a former editor of Digital camera Magazine, and the author of At the end of this book you will be able to take great photos.

How do you capture the feeling of a place in a still image? This is a question I constantly ponder as I travel the world. I generally end up with more questions than answers, but that’s a good thing. I often find that the most interesting photographs raise more questions for the viewer than they answer, so it seems fitting.

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