
Everyone can act heroically • Latest publications

Everyone can act heroically • Latest publications

Comment by Jeff Worrell

It’s that time of year again – back-to-school season! Some of those who spend Monday through Friday in an educational setting are excited, while others may be a little nervous. This mix provides ample opportunity to foster a culture of civility both in and out of the classroom.

No matter the grade level, rudeness can bubble to the surface, be embarrassing, and make a classmate feel uncomfortable. While it’s not everyone’s strength to step in like a superhero, destroy the bad guy, and save the day, there is another way. Just don’t join in. Make your disapproval of the act clear. Don’t condone, reinforce, or accept bad, bullying behavior.

On my first day of fourth grade, I made the critical mistake of wearing a lime green shirt that caught my classmate’s eye. She thought it was awful and had to shame me into never wearing it again. If her clique had decided the issue wasn’t worth their time, my brand new shirt from the first day of school might have lasted another day.

Not everyone can be a superhero, but everyone can act heroically. Make politeness your first choice as a hero.

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