
Svetlana Tichanovskaya: “We must organize everything so that the Belarusians return to the country”

Svetlana Tichanovskaya: “We must organize everything so that the Belarusians return to the country”

Svetlana Tichanovskaya took part in Campus Poland And shared her thoughts on the Elections 2025 and the future waiting for the Belarusians.

Here are the key points of her speech:

📌 “I want to avoid creating the illusion that everything will be perfect after the democratic change.. It will be a difficult and painful period of recovery, because at the moment Lukashenka is selling Belarus, its economy, to the Russians. But I see how much Belarusians want to restore their homeland, and that is why I am confident that with the help of our democratic friends we will succeed.”

📌 “I am convinced that after a democratic and fair election, if Belarus elects a new leader, the country will attract a lot of investment. We need to implement reforms to rebuild the country. We have excellent examples around us, such as Poland and Moldova. That is why we need to organize everything in such a way that we bring Belarusians back to the country and motivate them to start a business in Belarus.”

📌 “I have no doubt that in 2025 Lukashenka will stage another ritual farce to declare himself presidentBut he lost legitimacy in the eyes of the citizens in 2020. Of course there will be elections, but if they can legitimize anything, it is only Lukashenka in his own eyes. “What is happening in Belarus has nothing to do with the elections.”

📌 “Lukashenka has become an unacceptable political pariah. He is completely unacceptable to Western heads of state and government.” The Western heads of state and government were and are fully on the side of the democratic forces.”

📌 “The European Union has pledged to provide three billion euros to support the Belarusian economy and implement reforms following fair and just elections“We do not want Lukashenka to convince the world that everything is back to normal in Belarus and that he is still the leader.”

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