
How to get your children to stop looking at their mobile phones while eating

How to get your children to stop looking at their mobile phones while eating

Family meals are usually a good opportunity to bring everyone together and talk about the day, but the presence of smartphones and other screens like televisions during this time can be disruptive and unhealthy, a new study shows.

New research suggests that children who use their smartphones at the dinner table are more prone to obesity because they are too distracted by scrolling to realize when they are full, making them more likely to absentmindedly continue eating.

The study, conducted with 735 primary school-aged children, found that they were 15% more likely to be overweight if they regularly used smartphones during breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Dr Ana Duarte Melo, the study’s lead researcher, said: “When children eat while watching TV or mobile phones, they don’t know when to stop eating or when they are full.”

“They keep eating and eating just because they are distracted by screens. This is bad for society and dangerous for children because it causes them to become overweight or obese.”

She warned: “We are so busy right now that we don’t have time to all sit down together for a family meal. But parents need to know that screen time during mealtime is a really big problem.”

Boy eating spaghettiBoy eating spaghetti

Researchers urge parents to reduce their children’s screen time at the dinner table to reduce the risk of obesity. (Getty Images)

The study was presented at the European Congress on Obesity in Venice, according to The Times. It follows another study by researchers at the University of Liverpool, which found that children who watch video games on streaming platforms are exposed to junk food advertisements most of the time.

The researchers found that advertising products high in sugar, salt or fat to children leads to children consuming more of these unhealthy foods. They warned that such streaming sites are likely contributing to the UK’s obesity problem.

While the researchers’ warnings sound dire, there’s no need to panic if smartphones are a staple on your dinner table. However, you may be wondering how you can reduce your family’s screen time and encourage more mindful eating and healthier habits.

Matt Buttery, CEO of parenting programme Triple P UK and Ireland, told Yahoo UK that a survey by Triple P found that 40% of parents were concerned about the amount of time their children spend on their devices.

He adds that while device use is “an inevitable part of raising this generation,” “it can also be a barrier to family connection and the enjoyment of personal experiences.”

Screen-free meals give parents and children more opportunities to connect with each other. (Getty Images)Screen-free meals give parents and children more opportunities to connect with each other. (Getty Images)

Screen-free meals give parents and children more opportunities to connect with each other. (Getty Images)

“Mealtimes are great opportunities to come together as a family, and there are a number of ways parents and educators can ensure mealtimes remain screen-free,” says Buttery, who is also an honorary professor at the University of Warwick.

“Setting boundaries can help, but prioritizing this time as a family and making it fun also helps a lot.

“Real-life communication helps build strong relationships and creates a space where children feel safe and more able to communicate. Creating a routine where mealtimes are ‘family time’ and everyone sitting around the table listens carefully and shares stories and news about their day encourages children to open up and build closeness as a family. Plus, it’s an opportunity to teach important social skills.”

Triple P’s survey found that 88% of parents want to reduce their children’s screen time, showing that it is a priority for many parents. Leading by example is a great way to reduce screen time at the dinner table, says Buttery.

“Having an open conversation about the benefits of shared meals – without technology – and modeling the behavior parents want themselves can help reduce the risk of resistance or conflict,” he explains.

It can also be helpful to talk openly about your own experiences and how putting the phone down helped you.

Parents should talk to their children about the benefits of putting away their cell phones. (Getty Images)Parents should talk to their children about the benefits of putting away their cell phones. (Getty Images)

Parents should talk to their children about the benefits of putting away their cell phones. (Getty Images)

“Parents can share personal experiences and talk about how they feel they benefit from spending time together, whether it’s learning more about each other or feeling closer and more connected. When parents and caregivers talk about the benefits of switching off devices and focusing on family, children will see what they are gaining, not what they are missing out on.”

Buttery adds that while parents and educators should focus on getting their children to decide for themselves when to put their devices away, “sometimes they need some encouragement to understand that sometimes they have to make compromises and that it’s easier when that compromise also benefits themselves.”

The researchers, who presented their study on the link between smartphone use while eating and an increased risk of obesity, urged parents to teach their children to eat more mindfully.

This is important because it helps children better understand when they are full, the flavors and textures of food, and how they feel while eating – without the distraction of a screen.

Buttery says there are a number of ways parents can encourage their children to be more mindful and attentive while eating.

“Creating family rules that take into account children’s feelings, preferences and choices will help create an environment where they feel empowered and supported,” he says.

“Of course, new behaviors and skills require time, attention and consistency, and parents can lead by example by modeling good screen habits, trying new or different foods, and communicating openly about their experiences.

“Making mealtimes more interactive, from getting children to help prepare dinner to washing up together afterwards, can use the whole process from start to finish to encourage children to think more about what they are eating. It can also be a valuable tool for reducing screen time.”

Regard: Obese children eat “500 extra calories a day”

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