
Cow dad shares adorable “morning routine with Bruce”

Cow dad shares adorable “morning routine with Bruce”

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a cow dad? Elias Herrera answers all your questions on social media! This animal lover often shares snippets of his life with his animal friends on the farm. Recently, he posted a hilarious video of his “morning routine” that he performs with his four-legged roommates.

Being a cow dad is a full-time job, so Elias’ day usually starts early. When he woke up in the clip, two of these big animals were already in his bedroom. Bruce, an adult cow, was awake and waiting for his owner. Meanwhile, a baby was sleeping comfortably in the man’s bed!

Once Elias was awake and dressed, it was time to prepare breakfast. Unfortunately, Bruce didn’t make it easy for him. He kept trying to eat the flour while his father was making pancakes! This cow father also didn’t really enjoy the food he had prepared. While he was fending off Bruce with one arm and bottle-feeding the calf with the other, he could barely manage a bite!

Afterwards, it was time to relax with some recreational activities. Elias played video games with the smaller animal, both wearing VR headsets. Then the man sat down to read a magazine – which Bruce promptly tried to eat. Finally, it was time for this father to take his two cows for a walk. All in all, it seemed to be quite an eventful morning!

A man tries to eat pancakes while surrounded by cows.
Screenshot from TikTok

Elias posts many other funny videos from his life as a cow dad. Some of his most popular clips are those in which he pretends to cook food in the kitchen with Bruce. Almost all of them end with the cow eating his dad’s ingredients before the poor man can even begin.

It’s a good thing these clips are just for fun, otherwise Elias could be in serious danger of starving!

The source of the cover image of this story can be found here.

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