
Stigmatization of mental illness remains an obstacle to well-being: Michael Novotny

Stigmatization of mental illness remains an obstacle to well-being: Michael Novotny

First responders are the vital protectors of our communities, rushing into harm’s way when the rest of us are seeking safety. It’s their job to jump into action in delicate and traumatic situations, from harrowing rescues to heartbreaking losses. Despite their highly visible role in our community, the mental health issues that come with this job are often overlooked.

Endeavors, a national humanitarian organization supporting veterans, law enforcement and first responders, has taken an important step toward meeting this need by establishing a wellness room for first responders in El Paso.

Studies have shown that first responders suffer from PTSD, depression and anxiety at higher rates than the general population. The relentless pressure to protect and save lives often leads to mind racing, insomnia and irritability, which severely limits their ability to focus and perform. Despite these statistics, mental health resources that address the struggles and hardships of this unique lifestyle can be hard to find. That’s why Endeavors has worked diligently to create The Wellness Room, a sanctuary where first responders can find relief and respite.

The wellness room is equipped with cutting-edge technology that promotes relaxation and improves physical, mental and emotional resilience. One of the standout features is the Zero Gravity Mind Body Chair. In this innovative chair, users can recline and listen to soothing music while experiencing vibroacoustics – vibrations that promote healing and cellular regeneration. The combination of therapies helps to down-regulate the nervous system and lower the heart rate. Participants who have used this healing chair also reported a significant reduction in physical pain.

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Another notable device in the wellness room is the PandoraStar, a brainwave synchronization device that uses 12 stroboscopic lights to create immersive visual experiences. The Alpha Stim device helps put the brain into an alpha wave state, which is associated with calm and relaxation. The wellness room also offers weighted blankets, eye pillows, and other comfort items to enhance the calmness of the experience.

In addition to technology, the Wellness Room offers coaching sessions with a focus on stress management and building personal resilience. This holistic approach addresses not only occupational stressors, but also social, environmental and spiritual challenges.

The stigma of mental illness remains a significant barrier to holistic wellness in many communities, including among frontline workers. By providing a space for the first line of defense to focus on their wellness and develop strength, Endeavors helps first responders perform their duties more effectively.

For our brothers and sisters who are first on the scene in an emergency, the Wellness Room at Endeavors is more than just a place of rest – it is a vital resource that supports our nation’s sentinels.

If you are a first responder and know there is a need for these or other wellness services in your organization, let’s talk about it. Please contact [email protected] or visit our website at

Michael Novotny is a health and wellness practitioner at Endeavors, a national humanitarian organization, a U.S. Army veteran, and author of Guardian Rising: Meditations for the Future Warrior.

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