
Explanation of the traditional gifts of the Holy Spirit

Explanation of the traditional gifts of the Holy Spirit

Created in Canva – Holy Spirit surrounded by his gifts!

Last week I discussed the fruits of the Holy Spirit in my column entitled “ Do you desire the fruits of the Holy Spirit?t.” I put the cart before the horse, so to speak! After all, the fruits come from the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 12:7-11 speaks about these gifts (

“The manifestation of the spirit is given to each individual for a specific benefit.

To one is given through the Spirit the gift of uttering wisdom, to another the gift of uttering knowledge according to the same Spirit;

to others faith through the same Spirit, to others the gift of healing through the one Spirit,

to another mighty works, to another prophecy, to another the discernment of spirits, to another all kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.

But one and the same Spirit produces all these things and distributes them individually to each person, as he wills.”

These nine gifts are often simply referred to as wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment of spirits, tongues, and interpretation of tongues.

Are there seven or nine gifts of the Holy Spirit?

Most texts list seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, strength, piety and fear of the LordI have no theological or secular training that explains this. Although Isaiah 11:2 is:

The Spirit of the Lord will rest upon him.

a spirit of wisdom and understanding,

A spirit of counsel and strength,

a spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD” (

From personal experience, many people shy away from the gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues. Perhaps the answer lies in combining some of these, making the list seven.

In the investigation of seven against nine, Catholic Answers gave me, well, all of us, an answer. The Catholic Church teaches the seven traditional gifts (although nine are also clearly listed in the Bible) as the gifts that the all Christians. You go on to say that since the beginning of the last century, some Protestant Christians have focused on the charismatic gifts given to certain individuals for the good of the church, as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11. I consider myself more of a charismatic Catholic who accepts the Holy Spirit. We have prayed for the gifts of the Holy Spirit during prayer group meetings. I know that all gifts require much prayer, faith, and discernment.

Today I will focus on the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, strength, piety and fear of the Lord.

Wisdom (gift of the Holy Spirit)

Wisdom, as a gift of the Holy Spirit, is an understanding of what is true and right. It helps us to distinguish between what appears to be evil and wrong, but is actually good because the person or thing is a creation of God. We are then moved to pray for or offer help rather than judge and pass on contempt.

Understanding (gift of the Holy Spirit)

Understanding, as a gift of the Holy Spirit, allows us to see as God sees and offers understanding that goes beyond mere humanity. It can help us understand our God-given talents and how to use them. Understanding offers insight into how the Holy Spirit is active in our daily lives.

As in the 30 April 2014: General Address by Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Square:

“Understanding enables us to ‘read intus legere’ or ‘inwardly’: this gift enables us to understand things as God understands them, with the Spirit of God.”

Advice (gift of the Holy Spirit)

Counsel, as a gift of the Holy Spirit, brings you closer to your conscience. The gift of counsel helps you to be guided by God in your life decisions, many of which affect your salvation. It also helps you to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil.

Remember that it is important to stay connected with God and use the Holy Spirit and the gifts He offers you. This will help you live a more holy life.

Knowledge (gift of the Holy Spirit)

Knowledge as a gift of the Holy Spirit is the ability to correctly judge questions of faith and right action. While counsel is God’s guide, knowledge is an innate gift.

Through knowledge you can understand the meaning and purpose that God has“ for you. (

Strength (gift of the Holy Spirit)

Fortitude, as a gift of the Holy Spirit, is similar to strength, but more than that: it is a strength based on faith. It is the strength to triumph over evil with good. It is the strength to keep moving forward, overcoming obstacles on the path to virtue.

The Article from shares how our hearts are made for God. The author goes on to explain that courage gives us an inner desire to do what is right.

Piety (gift of the Holy Spirit)

Piety, as a gift of the Holy Spirit, simply means worshiping God with childlike affection. It involves worshiping, praying for, and honoring God. Piety is something we are called to by our faith, our beliefs, and our baptism.

In the Article from Piety is the gift that moves us to love God as a child loves his father.

Fear of the Lord (gift of the Holy Spirit)

Fear of the Lord, as a gift of the Holy Spirit, is the need to stay connected. We avoid separating ourselves from God. This is not the same as being afraid of something. It is better defined as loving reverence and a desire to please because we know it is right.

Which gift of the Holy Spirit do you need most?

As Christians, we should desire all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps you already have one or all of them.

Come back next week when I will tell you more about the Holy Spirit, gifts and fruits.

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