
Costco’s fibrous raw chicken makes us sick

Costco’s fibrous raw chicken makes us sick

Costco customers may want to think twice before purchasing raw chicken breast from the retailer’s grocery shelves after a member recently made a discovery while cutting open their newly purchased chicken. In a Reddit post in the r/Costco thread, a user shared a photo of their newly purchased chicken breast at Costco that looks stringy, mushy, and mutated. Several users on Reddit reacted to the photo, claiming that they have difficulty eating chicken due to these types of deformities. One user even wrote, “I’m getting chicken PTSD.” After looking at the photo, we can understand why it might make someone rethink their dinner plans.

This strange shredding is difficult to watch for people who are uncomfortable with raw meat, but it is not a sign that your chicken is spoiled. This phenomenon is called “Spaghetti meat,” and surprisingly, it is still safe to eat after cooking. However, the unattractive appearance combined with the significant difference in texture can make even the biggest chicken lover think twice before buying it.

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Spaghetti meat is safe to eat if you can overlook the consistency

Raw chicken spaghetti meatRaw chicken spaghetti meat

Raw Chicken Spaghetti Meat – Reddit/beclove1

Although the appearance and texture of this chicken can be major warning signs, no discomfort, digestive issues, or disease have been observed in poultry that have experienced this deformation. The “spaghetti meat” phenomenon occurs when a chicken grows extremely quickly during rearing, causing its breast muscles to become stringy and mushy. AG Daily reported that this unpleasant sight only occurs in 5-7% of poultry. Unfortunately for the handful of Costco members who confirmed on Reddit that they have purchased this abnormal-looking chicken before, they most likely purchased an unlikely batch of poultry affected by this rapid muscle growth.

While it doesn’t affect the taste or safety of the chicken, it’s understandable that people would think twice about eating spaghetti chicken breasts. For many, the texture of a food is just as important as the taste or aroma. When spaghetti meat is created, the muscle fibers are manipulated as the chicken grows, and in many cases, this results in a slight change in texture even after cooking. If we were unlucky enough to snag one of these chicken breasts from Costco’s shelves, we’d definitely take advantage of the retailer’s generous return policy.

Read the original article on Daily Meal

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