
Taylor Swift opens up about her eating disorder in Miss Americana documentary |

Taylor Swift opens up about her eating disorder in Miss Americana documentary |

Taylor Swift has built her brand with her talent and enjoys a huge fan base around the world. Back in 2020 documentary As Miss Americana, she did something rather unusual for her: She spoke about a personal struggle with a Eating disorder.
In the film, she said that this relentless pressure to project an image of perfection actually led her down dangerous paths of self-criticism and unhealthy behavior. She said that seeing an unflattering photo in the press or reading negative comments about her appearance can lead to eating disorders and excessive exercise. She further admitted that at the time, she thought it was normal to feel like she was going to faint or get a lump in her throat during a performance like a concert, and she didn’t understand that it was her body’s way of telling her that something was wrong.
In an interview with Variety, she explained in detail what she went through and how difficult it was for her to talk about it in the documentary.
She then praised her director Lana Wilson, saying, “But the way Lana (Wilson, the film’s director) tells the story, it makes sense. My relationship with food was the same psychology I applied to everything else: If I got a pat on the head, I felt it was good. If I got punished, I felt it was bad.”
Her story is still relevant today and shows how much strength it takes to win such personal battles and how important it is to seek help in the face of such challenges.

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