
Iola resident turns 100 this month

Iola resident turns 100 this month

IOLA, Texas (KBTX) – Beth Blagrave is an Iola resident who turns 100 this month.

“Well, it’s a surprise to me,” said Beth.

Today Beth’s family hosted a birthday party for her 100th year.

“The good Lord has blessed me,” said Beth.

Beth’s granddaughter, Leah Beach, has been by her side since day one, creating one memory after another.

“She has been a part of my life my whole life. And now it’s a true blessing for me to be able to take care of her,” Beach said.

Beth recovered from a broken hip just last year, but that doesn’t stop her from pursuing her two favorite activities: cooking and exercising.

“She dreams of baking now,” Beach said.

Her favorite exercises are squats, throwing medicine balls, and walking laps around the house with her walker.

Beach says Beth’s positive attitude and mindset are everything.

“She has a positive attitude and I think that’s a big reason why she’s still here,” Beach said.

And if Beth wants it, her family will make it possible.

“She has witty statements and is very smart and persistent when it comes to making her point,” Beach said.

But overall, Beach says, it’s a blessing to be able to care for the person who cared for her.

“I think it’s come full circle, and it’s great to witness and be a part of that. And maybe one day my children or grandchildren will do the same for me,” Beach said.

Beth is and will be forever grateful.

“Just trust in the good Lord and he will take care of you,” said Beth.

Beth turns 100 this Monday, August 26, 2024.

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