
Lancefield Gift Re-Edition | Midland Express

Lancefield Gift Re-Edition | Midland Express

At the launch: John Dinan, winner of the 1980 Stawell Gift, and Gina Morgan, Chair of the Lancefield Gift Committee, on Saturday afternoon.

An event that was once a staple of the Macedon Ranges sporting calendar returns after an absence of over 60 years.

Lancefield is preparing for the first of the major athletics events in the state of Victoria.

The 2024 Bendigo Bank Lancefield Gift Meeting will take place on Saturday 6 November.

Athletes and fans from Victoria and other states are expected to converge on Lancefield for the Gift Meet, which will culminate in the staging of the most lucrative men’s and women’s 400m races in the state.

They carry prize money of US$6,000, and the two 120-meter sprints each carry prize money of US$5,000.

Planning to revive the Lancefield Gift has been underway for several months, with the official opening event set to take place on Saturday at half-time of the senior football match at Lancefield Park.

The idea originally came from local sports enthusiast Chris Jolly, who approached the Victorian Athletic League.

A seven-member organising committee led by Gina Morgan, a former president of the Lancefield Football Netball Club, is confident that the “new” Lancefield Gift will receive plenty of support.

“It is exciting for Lancefield to host an event of this magnitude. To do something like this again after such a long time is great, but to include the most prestigious 400m race in Victoria in its first year is incredible,” Morgan said.

Lancefield Football Netball Club is keen to drive the success and growth of the revived Gift meet.

It was very important to obtain financial support from the Bendigo Bank branches in Lancefield and Romsey.

Morgan said the event is expected to attract many people to the city.

“Early indications are that the number of athletes will be in the hundreds, and they will bring their own support teams.

“This is a great opportunity for us to showcase Lancefield.”


John Dinan, the youngest sprinter ever to win the famous Stawell Gift, is also a member of the organising committee.

Dinan spoke enthusiastically on Saturday and his long and successful career in athletics should ensure that the Lancefield meeting focuses on providing the best events for competitors.

“One of the really exciting aspects is that the finals will take place at night under floodlights. It will look spectacular.”

Dinan was 20 years old when he won the Stawell Gift in 1980 with a throw of 5.5 metres.

He received a prize of $6,500. Stawell is now offering the winner $45,000.

The organizing committee consists of Morgan, Dinan, Jolly, Chris Dynon, Nicholas Walsh, Dylan Holden and Stephanie Wooster.

In addition to the sporting events, there is food, wine and entertainment.

Over the years, the Lancefield venom has undergone several reincarnations.

The most successful version of the Lancefield Gift took place in the late 1920s to early 1930s, when it was a sporting festival held on St Patrick’s Day. Cycling events were also held.

Sponsorships are still available for several events on the 2024 schedule. Anyone interested in sponsoring a race should contact Dylan at [email protected].

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