
Open plan living room ideas to make the space stylish and seamless

Open plan living room ideas to make the space stylish and seamless

Today, you’re more likely to find free-flowing living spaces than lots of smaller, enclosed rooms. Open plan living room ideas are a hallmark of modern homes as they can be used for almost any occasion, but they’re becoming more common in Victorian homes too.

Our homes need to be more flexible than ever before, and your choice of living room plays a big part in that. After all, you need to create a space that works for the whole family in different situations.

“We now know that our homes need to be able to transform into anything we need, whether it’s a home gym, classroom or office – often in a very short space of time,” says Rebecca Snowden, interior design consultant at Furniture And Choice. “Creating these special spaces in our homes doesn’t have to mean sacrificing style.”

“Open plan spaces are becoming increasingly popular and are great for entertaining guests, but can sometimes feel sparse or empty,” continues Martin Waller, founder of Andrew Martin.
“Use contrasting colors to define different areas and add personality to different parts of the room. Wallpaper can also be used in certain areas of the room to create a defined zone.

“Use expressive lighting to create different zones, each serving a purpose. Open furniture such as cabinets, bookcases or shelves can be used to create different zones without making the space feel cramped. Alternatively, a folding screen can provide privacy that is often lacking in open plan living areas.”

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