
Republicans in Colorado vote to remove Dave Williams as party chairman

Republicans in Colorado vote to remove Dave Williams as party chairman

DENVER, Colorado (KKTV) – Colorado Republicans voted over the weekend to remove Dave Williams as party chairman.

Earlier this year, the Colorado Republican Party sent out an email that read “God hates flags,” including statements like “God hates Pride.” A social media post also called for Pride flags to be burned. All of these posts were sent in early June.

After these were sent, Colorado Republicans called on party chairman Williams to resign, and Jefferson County Republican Party Chairwoman Nancy Pallozzi sent a letter calling for his dismissal.

The campaign pushed for Williams’s dismissal, which was originally scheduled for a special meeting on August 31, but was canceled because the State Central Committee met in Brighton on August 24 to continue the voting process to dismiss Williams.

On Saturday, Senator Barbara Kirkmeyer of Colorado’s 23rd Senate District reported that the vote was 161.66 in favor of removing Williams from office and 12 in favor of retaining his seat.

After the vote, Dave Williams sent 11 News the following statement in response:

A fringe group in our state party, which has now proven that it does not care about Trump’s election in November, held a fraudulent convention today with 77 people actually in attendance (who also brought 104 questionable proxies).

And they even had to change their already broken rules by illegally reinterpreting our bylaws to unlawfully attempt to remove all of your duly elected officers without even a majority of our members present.

Obviously, they do not have three-fifths of the overall majority to remove anyone, but that will not stop them from doing further damage to the party and wasting time with nearly 70 days to go before the election.

Republican National Committee member Al Gage has already issued a statement:

“The meetings scheduled by Watkins et al. for July 27 and August 24 are unlawful and any action taken there was or will be null and void as they were not duly convened meetings of the CRC.”

A statement signed by several members of the state Republican Party, including candidates for several offices, was sent to 11 News. It said:

We congratulate Eli Bremer, Brita Horn and Kevin McCarney on their election as Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary of the Colorado Republican Party, respectively, at today’s Central Committee meeting. We call on all Colorado Republicans to join us in recognizing the legitimacy of today’s election and working toward a smooth and successful transition of leadership. We look forward to working with our new leaders to ensure a successful election in 2024.

The new chairman of the Colorado Republican Party will now be Eli Bremer of Colorado Springs, according to the above-mentioned statement.

11 News is working to learn more about the meeting and will update this article.

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