
Author from Wilmington, DE publishes romance novel

Author from Wilmington, DE publishes romance novel

La Mente, a new book by Dino DiCriscio, is published by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc.

Francis, a teenager, meets a young lady by chance. From across the crowded room, he sees her in all her beauty and something unusual happens. Francis’ senses seem to go silent and time seems to stand still. He cranes his neck and pushes through the crowd so as not to lose sight of her. But she moves away from her position and suddenly disappears.

His elevated pulse begins to calm down and his surroundings return to normal. He stands still and suddenly he hears a voice asking him if he wants to dance. His concentration has been distracted by a friend who considers him unavailable. Francis will meet his mysterious lady later that same evening in an unexpected and unique situation.

In La Mente you will see how love at first sight can lead a young man to embark on a journey of fighting for, winning and conquering the love of his life. We all have a life story that presents us with challenges that we must overcome. And these challenges can help us gain insights that will ease the journey that lies ahead.

About the author
Dino DiCriscio enjoys playing baseball, bowling, and carpentry. He and his wife Karen have a son, Brandon. Dino enjoys building houses in his hometown of Wilmington, DE.

La Mente is a 288-page paperback with a retail price of $21.00 (hardcover $34.00, e-book $16.00). The ISBN is 979-8-89127-719-9. It was published by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc. of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Members of the press may request a review copy or author interview at or purchase the book from our online bookstore at

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