
Woman celebrates 102nd birthday by breaking skydiving record | UK news

Woman celebrates 102nd birthday by breaking skydiving record | UK news

A Suffolk woman plans to celebrate her 102nd birthday on Sunday with a record-breaking skydive.

Manette Baillie will be Britain’s oldest female skydiver when she jumps from a plane over East Anglia on Sunday.

It will also be the first time she has ever done it.

She will complete the challenge from Beccles Airfield to raise money for three causes: the East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA), the Motor Neurone Disease Association and Benhall Village Hall.

Ms Baillie, who served in the Woman’s Royal Naval Service (WRENS) in Egypt during World War II, told the EAAA: “You always have to look for something new.”

“I was once married to a paratrooper, but I never did it (a skydive) myself.”

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Congratulations and donations poured in from skydivers and experts researching how to live a fulfilling life into old age. Mrs Baillie even received a personal letter from the Prince of Wales ahead of the challenge.

For the almost 102-year-old, who still drives, pushing herself to the limit is nothing new – she celebrated her 100th birthday at the wheel of a Ferrari racing car at Silverstone, reaching a speed of 210 km/h.

Mrs Baillie drives to Silverstone for her 100th birthday
Mrs Baillie drives to Silverstone for her 100th birthday

“Community, friends and being with other people are my secret to a fulfilling life,” she said.

“Stay busy, be interested in everything, be kind to those around you and let them be kind to you. And don’t forget to celebrate.”

In a statement, the EAAA said: “We love hearing the inspirational stories of EAAA supporters and were therefore completely overwhelmed to hear of Manette’s kindness and her exciting plans to celebrate her 102nd birthday.”

It continued: “From everyone at East Anglian Air Ambulance, a big thank you and happy birthday, Manette.”

The record for the oldest skydiver of all time belongs to 106-year-old Texan Alfred “Al” Blaschke.

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