
Adding a Carport Cover After the Event: The Story of an Engineer’s Failed Overconfidence | Lifestyle Decor

Adding a Carport Cover After the Event: The Story of an Engineer’s Failed Overconfidence | Lifestyle Decor

An experienced civil engineer who had worked for the central government for many years, was involved in some prestigious projects and held high posts. A few years after his retirement, he decided to build a house for his eldest son.

He had to design a two-story house with 2000 square meters of floor space on the side of the road. He believed that the engineers around them were not good enough and wondered why anyone would give them money.

His son, meanwhile, was satisfied with the plan of the retired civil engineer. After the preliminary work was completed, construction began on an auspicious day. The workers began removing the earth, which the father swore was solid. In his opinion, the foundation of a building does not need to be wide. When the mason expressed his doubts, he explained that a stable foundation needs depth, not width.

A trench was dug 18 inches wide, which is a standard measurement for basements, and the rubble masonry started. The son did not mention the carport until after the ground floor walls were completed. The father had forgotten to add the carport when drawing the plan. He soon instructed the workers to start building the carport. In addition, the father showed his talent by plastering the carport at the same time as the rest of the house.

The walls, concreting, plastering, flooring and painting work on the first floor were soon completed. An iron roller shutter was installed in the carport for additional security, as it is open to the street.

The son was shocked when he tried to park his car in the parking garage after construction was completed. The car fit into the garage, but the doors wouldn’t open. In addition, the rear of the car stuck out by one centimeter.

His father consoled him by saying that there was no need to park the car under the veranda. The son agreed and parked his car in a tiny space outside the wall of the property.

Father and son were relieved that the son’s old bicycle, his Vespa scooter, as well as the old tires and other car parts could be stored on the car roof.

A house should be designed only after doing thorough research. The drawing should be shown to several people to ensure that it is foolproof. In addition, experts should be hired to determine the width and depth of the foundation. You can also look at the foundations of the surrounding houses to understand how they were built.

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