
Music teacher gives students drums after hearing about amazing talent

Music teacher gives students drums after hearing about amazing talent

Even if children don’t realize it, teachers listen with their ears and their hearts. So many teachers dedicate their lives to education and helping us raise good children. Some of them go so far beyond the call of duty that you wonder if they aren’t actually angels in disguise. Stacy Caldwell is one of those teachers.

Stacy noticed that one of her students had an incredible sense of rhythm when playing a bucket drum. Then she realized there was more to this child’s story than she thought.

A video on YouTube explains that the boy loves to play the drums, but lost his in a house fire. His family didn’t have the means to buy him a new drum kit, so he made do with playing at church or a music store. Stacy recognized his talent and wanted to help him cultivate what was so natural to him. With the help of some friends from school, she surprised the boy with a drum kit.

The boy was shocked when his music teacher gave him a new drum kit

First he paced back and forth saying “Oh my God” and “Thank you” before grabbing her and hugging her. He was delighted by the teacher’s kindness and got straight to the point. The little boy drummed and let his teacher know how grateful he was.

The video touched this person emotionally.

“I started crying when she said, ‘I realized you have a great talent,'” they wrote. “Some people will never know what it’s like to have no one believe in you and no support growing up. I hope I can give that chance to as many people as possible before I leave this earth.”

His gratitude was refreshing. “I love the fact that he hugged her instead of running to the drums and playing,” another person commented. “Shows his character and where his heart is. All the best young man!”

This person summed it up best. “Ok… his reactions are the best. Bless everyone involved in blessing this young man,” she shared. “It really takes a village to raise these youngsters.”

The source of the cover image of this story can be found here.

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