
Heatwave begins this weekend

Heatwave begins this weekend

ROCKFORD, Illinois (WIFR) – After enjoying pleasant temperatures around 70 degrees Fahrenheit all week, the much-heralded warming trend is expected to begin this weekend.

Not only are temperatures expected to rise, but humidity will also rise sharply in the next few days. Unpleasant to unbearable humidity is expected until the middle of next week.

Starting this weekend, humidity will increase significantly.
Starting this weekend, humidity will increase significantly.(Mark Henderson, WIFR)

Saturday will bring plenty of sunshine from start to finish. A cooler start to the day with lows around 10 degrees will prevent us from reaching 32 degrees, although highs between 27 and 30 degrees are likely and heat index values ​​are likely to be below 35 degrees.

Lots of sunshine is forecast for our Saturday.
Lots of sunshine is forecast for our Saturday.(Mark Henderson, WIFR)

It will be cloudy on Saturday night and some showers or thunderstorms are possible after midnight, lasting until the early or mid-Sunday morning hours.

Isolated showers or thunderstorms are possible during the night from Saturday to Sunday.
Isolated showers or thunderstorms are possible during the night from Saturday to Sunday.(Mark Henderson, WIFR)
Isolated showers or thunderstorms are possible during the night from Saturday to Sunday.
Isolated showers or thunderstorms are possible during the night from Saturday to Sunday.(Mark Henderson, WIFR)

The cloud cover that will last until midday on Sunday will be to our advantage as it will keep the high temperatures in check in the afternoon. Without the cloud cover we would have no problem reaching the 30s mark. Due to the early cloud cover, highs will be around 32°C.

On Sunday afternoon the clouds will give way to sunshine.
On Sunday afternoon the clouds will give way to sunshine.(Mark Henderson, WIFR)
In the second half of Sunday there will be sunshine, which will cause temperatures to rise.
In the second half of Sunday there will be sunshine, which will cause temperatures to rise.(Mark Henderson, WIFR)

Monday and Tuesday will be brutally, if not dangerously, hot. The sun will shine from start to finish, and gusty winds from the south and southwest will send temperatures soaring. We have raised the high temperature forecast for Monday and Tuesday. Monday is expected to reach 97° and Tuesday 98°. Monday’s 97° would be a record for that date, while Tuesday’s 98° would break a record. Both records were set in 1953.

The sun will shine for most, if not all, of Monday.
The sun will shine for most, if not all, of Monday.(Mark Henderson, WIFR)

In addition, heat index values ​​could reach up to 40 °C on both days, so precautions must be taken.

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