
Transform your dorm with simple, effective decorating tips from an expert

Transform your dorm with simple, effective decorating tips from an expert

Students are going to college here in Kern County and across the country. Some of them for the first time.

For some college students, decorating their new dorm room is one of the most exciting and overwhelming tasks. And that’s where Sarah Ruth Interiors can help.

Sarah Ward, owner of Sarah Ruth Interiors, has spent the last two decades bringing her design knowledge to homes across California and beyond. Ward said there are a few key things to consider when decorating a college dorm. The first step is to be clear on the layout of the new space. Next, make a plan and figure out what you want to do with it. Ward said that especially in tight spaces like a college dorm, it’s best to use vertical space to your advantage and take advantage of the little wall space you have.

But the most important tip, according to Ward, is to have fun.

“It’s not that bad,” Ward said.

She said you can find things around the house, like a scarf or your books, and use them to decorate the walls. It doesn’t have to be complicated, it’s a fun and exciting milestone. Ward believes in showing off your style and not overdoing it. A few simple statement pieces can do the trick.

To delve deeper into Ward’s work, visit her website at

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