
Book signing with electropop artist Robert DeLong

Book signing with electropop artist Robert DeLong

Date of signature: 2024

Label: Round Hill Records

Music type: Alternative electronic pop

Management: Hardin Bourke Entertainment

Booking: Mike Hayes, Independent Artist Group

Legal: Denise Stevens, Pierson Ferdinand, LLP

Advertising: Ashley White, Ashley White Public Relations


A&R: Michael Volk

Robert DeLong is a unique artist. Cross-pollinating electronic subgenres and his love of indie rock, his sound has as much in common with alternative pop as it does with the thumping beats of rave nights. He is also an innovative multi-instrumentalist, incorporating tools like video game controllers and a laser harp into his visually arresting performances.

In the beginning, DeLong’s artistic vision may not have been so clear. He admits to being naive when he first signed to Glassnote Records. “I didn’t understand all the moving parts,” admits the former drummer for The Denouement. A decade, three full-length albums and two EPs later, he was ready for a fresh start. Although the label had been a perfect fit, DeLong saw it changing and releases becoming less frequent. He says a move “felt like the right thing at the right time.”

His managers, Chris Hardin and Brendan Bourke of Hardin Bourke Entertainment, were tasked with finding a new home. DeLong had been with the duo for years and trusted them with the task. The pair began passing around a collection of demos of new material, which eventually landed on the desk of Michael Volk, president of Round Hill Records. Although other labels showed interest, “no other label came anywhere close to the creative direction. It was kind of a no-brainer.”

DeLong also appreciated Round Hill’s large promotional budget. Trusting his manager’s judgment helped him make the decision. Plus, Volk is a longtime fan, and it was a good sign that the label was shifting its focus from established artists to newer names with fresh perspectives.

“I’m excited to put this album out,” says DeLong of his Round Hill debut. Playlist of Doom. Like the signature itself, the recording process was natural. “Everything felt natural. And it sounds fantastic. It’s all because Round Hill made it easy for me.”

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