
Another setback in the I-10 ramp project worries Diamondhead residents

Another setback in the I-10 ramp project worries Diamondhead residents

DIAMONDHEAD, Mississippi (WLOX) – In June, Diamondhead residents were told that construction on the Interstate 10 ramp would take about six weeks.

Now, eight weeks later, the Mississippi Department of Transportation says it may take another two to three weeks to complete the ramp.

“We’re two weeks behind schedule so far, and now we’re talking about another two or three weeks behind. That’s ridiculous,” said Michael White, a Diamondhead resident. “You can’t blame it on the weather anymore, so what’s the problem?”

White is one of many Diamondhead residents who are fed up with the construction site. He said the work has inconvenienced everyone in the area.

“We just came from Bay St. Louis. We had to drive all the way to the Kiln and then come in the back,” White said. “It takes an extra 15 minutes, which isn’t much in the grand scheme of things, but if you’re used to coming straight here, it takes a lot of time.”

While drivers have to take detours around the city, businesses are also feeling the effects.

Milan Mistry, owner of the Ramada Hotel in Diamondhead, said his business has seen a drastic decline since construction began.

“I would say 40-50% of business went down over the weekend,” Mistry said.

Due to the inconsistent business situation, Mistry fears that the construction work could drive him into a deep financial hole.

“As a new business owner, it’s really hard for me to survive,” Mistry said. “I don’t know how this will affect us in the future.”

The eastbound ramp at Diamondhead is the first of several ramps slated to be closed as part of the I-10 widening project, so there will be even more detours, and White is concerned about how drivers will react.

“My biggest concern and the concern of many citizens here in Diamondhead is safety,” White said. “When you get off the highway and get back on it, it’s just unsafe.”

An MDOT representative told WLOX that the department is looking into pricing temporary traffic lights for the Kiln-Delisle Road exit to help ease traffic congestion.

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