
CEO Gaurav Shrinagesh establishes a strategic growth committee

CEO Gaurav Shrinagesh establishes a strategic growth committee

The advisory committee, set up by PRH India CEO Gaurav Shrinagesh, will provide input – from authors – to the company’s board.

Gaurav Shrinagesh. Image: Penguin Random House India

By Porter Anderson, Editor in Chief | @Porter_Anderson

See also: Arpita Das at Delhi’s Yoda Press: Providing editors

Shrinagesh: “Forward-looking perspectives”

TToday in New Delhi, Gaurav Shrinagesh, CEO of Penguin Random House India, announced the formation of an advisory board. The composition of the board, he said, is unique in the industry as it has been set up “to work closely with Penguin’s board to strategically grow readership across the country and prepare the company for the evolving landscape of the publishing industry.”

“This initiative underscores Penguin India’s commitment to maintaining its leadership position in the publishing industry while adapting to and capitalizing on evolving trends in market development and reader engagement. The newly formed advisory board includes distinguished professionals from diverse fields including retail, marketing, digital media and technology.”

Shrinagesh – whose sphere of influence as CEO extends not only to Penguin Random House India but also to Southeast Asia, the Middle East and North Africa in the largest of the Big Five – is giving the media glowing praise for his opportunity to “unveil our new advisory board, which brings together a wealth of experience and forward-looking perspectives”.

“Their leadership,” he says, “will help us meet the challenges and opportunities of the publishing industry, expand our readership and ensure that Penguin remains a source of knowledge, entertainment and inspiration for generations to come.”

What is particularly interesting is that each of the four members of the new advisory board is a key author at Penguin Random House who specializes in one or another element of the business. The special thing Shrinagesh is talking about is that the board of PRH India will in future be advised by some of its authors on business matters.

The company’s India office produces more than 250 new titles annually and currently maintains a backlist of at least 3,000 titles. The company is considered particularly strong in fiction and non-fiction, offering biographies, travel, business, politics, history, religion and philosophy, lifestyle, cooking, health and fitness, sports and leisure, illustrated books and children’s books, with these children’s books published by the company’s Puffin imprint.

Market development

The new Advisory Board is expected to focus on a number of narrow dynamics:

  • The strategic expansion of market development
  • Use of artificial intelligence and advanced technologies
  • Integration of offline and online sales channels
  • Promote readership across different demographic groups

The Committee, Publish perspectives will also explore new initiatives relating to emerging and established authors, with the aim of ensuring that they are supported to reach a wider audience.

Here are the members of the new committee, sent to us today for publication:

Shiv Shivakumar

Shiv Shivakumar is an Operating Partner at Advent International, Non-Executive Chairman of BOD-BKC India, Advisory Board Member of Multiples Equity, BOG-IMU, Board Member of XLRI & XIMB and former Chairman & CEO of PepsiCo India. Shivakumar’s experience across multiple industries is considered by Shrinagesh to be a key factor in his selection as he brings to the committee a background in business strategy, market expansion and leadership development. Shivakumar is also a Penguin bestselling author and his books include The right choice And The art of management.

Harish Bhat

Harish Bhat is a former brand manager at Tata Sons and a marketer, author and columnist.
Bhat, says Shrinagesh, brings “decades of experience in brand building and market strategy.” Harish is a Penguin bestselling author, and some of his books include Jamsetji Tata: Important insights for corporate success; #TataStories; Extreme love for coffee; Tata Log; And The curious marketer.

Rama Bijapurkar

Rama Bijapurkar is a management consultant, independent director, researcher, author, columnist and academic.
Bijapurkar is a specialist in market strategy and consumer behaviour. Her insights are said to have helped several top companies navigate complex business environments and understand different consumer groups. Bijapurkar is one of Penguin’s bestselling authors and some of her books include Lilliput Land And Customer in the meeting room.

Puneet Chandok

Puneet Chandok is President of Microsoft India and South Asia. In his role, Chandok leads Microsoft’s activities in the region and “focuses on driving digital transformation through the use of cutting-edge technology,” according to Penguin Random House. His involvement, the company said, is important in “shaping a future based on artificial intelligence.”

In addition to its publishing activities, Penguin Random House India acts as an exclusive distribution partner for several Indian and subcontinental as well as international publishers.

For more Publishing Perspectives coverage of Penguin Random House and its international elements, click here, and for more on the Indian book market, click here.

About the author

Porter Anderson

on facebook. Þjórsárdalur

Porter Anderson was named International Trade Press Journalist of the Year at the London Book Fair’s International Excellence Awards. He is editor-in-chief of Publishing Perspectives. He was previously associate editor of The FutureBook at London’s The Bookseller. Anderson was a senior producer and anchor at, CNN International and CNN USA for more than a decade. He has worked as an arts critic (Fellow, National Critics Institute) for The Village Voice, the Dallas Times Herald and the Tampa Tribune, now the Tampa Bay Times. He co-founded The Hot Sheet, a newsletter for writers now owned and operated by Jane Friedman.

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