
Legacy Education and Community Empowerment Foundation celebrates 13th anniversary and surprise birthday of ED Constance Burwell

Legacy Education and Community Empowerment Foundation celebrates 13th anniversary and surprise birthday of ED Constance Burwell

Our prayers are with the family of Mr. Clint (Tubby) Wilson, Jr. of Jackson, who passed away on August 15th. He was the son of the late Dr. Clint Wilson, Sr. and the late Mrs. Mattie Mayers Wilson of Tougaloo and first cousin of Mrs. Rosie Mayers Kersh. Funeral arrangements are ongoing. Please pray for his family.

Please continue to think of our readers who are experiencing health conditions, some of which have improved, namely Iris O’Neal Gray Warnsley, Dorothy Pinkston, Wells Gray, Robert Jennings, Ken Ormond, Timothy Crudup, Gail Lee, McArthur Cotton, Don Bell, Margaret Wodetzki, Gwen Gary, Q. McClendon, Bobby Carter, Ruby Helen White, Martha Reed, Connie Sorey, Rita Wash, LaToya McClendon, Jo Taylor, Melvin Hodge, Linnie K. Lofton, Deon May, Jr., Shelley Joseph, Vera Patrick, C.J. Polk, McArthur Robinson, Jamisha Denise Benton, Irene Lyles, Nancy Myers, Travis Ward, Eleanor Longmire, Rubin and Belsy Ruiz, Curtis Derrick, Jordan Crump, Albert Lee Payton, Kenard Bowie, Jr., Connie Lewis Williams, Mary Bobbitt, Rev. Floyd McConnell, Thomas Anderson, Cliff Qualls, Jr., Kristie Ware, Virginia Hannah, LeReece Crimm, Lavell Stewart, Ledora Benton, Henry Patrick, Lucy V. Moore, Sidney Ellis, Sammie Jean Webb, Anderson “Yellow” Stingley, Dorothy Mae Patrick Tigar, London Thompson, Melba Dixon, Mitch and Mary Nichols, Lucille Flex, Laura Jackson, Roseann Lynn, Eunice Slaughter, Viola Morgan, Lillian Gray, Jean Bates, Tomi Reed Smith, Tommy Rankin, Ruby Rhodes, Nicholas Jones, John Norman, Renea Taylor, James Earl Nickson , Juanita Jones, Roosevelt “Shane” Smith, Elijah Ickom, Vernette Owens, Diane Williams, Dashell Earnest, Sherry Holmes, Will Hughes, Billy Jack Evans, Otha Herrington, Douglas Braggs, Robert Loper, Brittany Jones and other readers facing health challenges.

Legacy Change Agents and supporters celebrated the 13th anniversary of Legacy Education and Community Empowerment Foundation, Inc. with an anniversary brunch on Saturday, August 17, at the Forest Services Center. Legacy was founded on August 11, 2011, the birthday of current Executive Director Constance Olivia Burwell, who was surprised to hear the “Happy Birthday” chorus led by the Legacy Connection Scholars and others.

Student Nathaniel James provided the welcome; student Erin James participated in the event; student Raigen Walker recited the “National Black Anthem”; student Zaniyah Brazzle recited “Hey Black Child”; and student Av’Anna Lyles recited the “Legacy Creed.” Constance Slaughter-Harvey, President of the Legacy Board, reflected on the thirteen-plus year journey and thanked those in attendance for their support over the years. Mrs. Lloyce Gary Collier, our 98-year-old matriarch, was introduced as a very special change agent who has continually prayed for Legacy and is the aunt of Ted Gary, one of Legacy’s special donors. Her daughter Deborah Walker accompanied her. Change Agents Pastor Hannah Cowling (Jasper and Smith), Susie Jackson-Boyd, Legacy Treasurer Verna Myers (Madison), Cathia Coleman, Joni Pace, Rita Parker, DeAngelo Shepherd, Lapolean Barnes (Madison), Barbara Patrick, Legacy Secretary Dr. Stephanie Rhodes, Councilwomen Cynthia Slaughter Melton, Ruby Hill (Leake and Attala), Councilwoman Yolanda White, Rakethia Coleman, Reena Battle, Eloise Reed and Coach Todrick Pinkston expressed their appreciation to ED Burwell and the Legacy Board and Staff.

After wiping away tears of surprise and joy, Executive Director Constance Burwell thanked those in attendance for their support and gave a special hug to the Connection Scholars who had happily led the “surprise birthday party.”

Scholar Halle Pace offered a closing prayer and Rev. James Burwell Jr. offered the protective prayer for the anniversary and birthday.

Also in attendance at the celebration were Dr. Linda Ellis Brown, Charlotte Thompson, Tiffany James, Kala Clark, Tanya Bobbitt, Catrena Coleman, Deborah Walker, Sheila Brown, Khamariyah Pinkston, Robert Kincaid, Jasmine Shepherd, Tyler Brewer, Rev. Larry and Mrs. Abigail Reed, Anna Grace Reed, Sherry Moore, Lodena Palm, Tamekie Palm, Rakethia Coleman, Dr. Lorraine Dozier, Patty Odom and Glenda Viverette.

Special thanks to Eloise Reed, Reena Battle, Corshaela Pinkston and Lodena Palm for making this celebration a success. Thanks to Legacy Intern/Scholar James Burwell for coordinating logistics and special thanks to Change Agent Rev. Larry Reed, Cynthia Slaughter Melton, Leopoleon Barnes and Treasurer Verna Myers for their support. Thanks to Board Members Emeritus Sheila Brown and Dezavain Evans for their support.

Thank you to all of the change agents, donors, partners, stakeholders, scholars, and supporters of Legacy Education and Community Empowerment Foundation, Inc. who have worked to empower our youth, parents, families, and communities over the past 13 years, as well as to all who supported us prior to our founding in 2011. Thank you to all of the individuals, organizations, and entities who helped us build foundations for our children through the WL and Olivia Kelley Slaughter Memorial Foundation and Library, established in 1983. We ask for and will appreciate your continued support as we work to empower our children, parents, families, and communities.

The community was in attendance at the Forest Municipal School District’s (FMSD) first-ever Bearcat Experience on Tuesday, August 13th at the Forest High School Stadium (Track). A parade was led by the Forest Fire Department, City of Forest representatives, FMSD School Board, Central Office staff, football team and others. The Forest High School Band also performed. Other representatives included staff, parents, students, faculty and the community. FMSD Superintendent Dr. Melanie Nelson and Assistant Superintendent Marcus Holbert served as “event directors.” We had a lot of fun and look forward to the 2025-26 FMSD event!!! Dr. Nelson thanks the community for this great support!

The Scott County JSU Alumni Chapter met on Thursday, August 15th at the Forest Services Center. Projects and fundraisers for the fall season were discussed. Members in attendance included President Albert Gray, Dr. Lorraine Dozier, Lisa Darby, Ann Bryant, Rosia Anderson, Lamar Viverette, Martha and Robert Kincaid, and Councilwoman Cynthia Slaughter Melton. Chapter members thank the community for their continued support!

Congratulations to the August babies born between the 24th and 31st: Jomiski Nelson and Patsy Nicholson (24), Hanah Gatlin (25), Willie Ealy, Barbara Slaughter Green and Shanedral Pinkston (28), Marquisius Bland, Ja’Mira Smith, Leonard Murrell, Kaylen Harrison and Jacqueline Cajas (29), Reagan Harvey (30) and Chelsey Wilson and Michael Robinson (31).

Quiz Teaser #785: Linda and Bathsheba Thompson were the first African-American students to attend Forest Public Schools under the Freedom of Choice Plan in 1966-1967.

The following students were the first to attend Morton public schools under the Freedom of Choice Plan in 1966-67: Clois Jean Denson and Betty Jean Parhm (12th graders); Earnstine Denson and Classie Ann Peterson (11th graders); Eddie Kincaid and Lizzie Mae Peterson (10th graders); Ella Davis, John Earl Kincaid, Canelia Kincaid and Robert Kincaid (8th graders); Mattie Ruth Peterson (7th graders); Clementine Bilbro, Ruthie Mae Kincaid and Frankie Lee Peterson (6th graders); John Paul Mitchell and Dora Lou Peterson (5th graders); James Buckner, Ralph Peterson and Ray Charles Kincaid (4th graders); Beatrice Lee, Mary Alice Buckner, Samuel Chambers, Ray Charles Kincaid and Wallace Ferrell (3rd graders); Virginia Banks, Jovetta Chambers and William Peterson (second graders); and first graders FC Ferrell and Teresor Ferrell.

Quiz Teaser #786: Who were the African-American students in Scott County Public Schools who attended school under the Freedom of Choice Plan during the 1967-68 school year?

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