
Elaine’s story of recovery and redemption

Elaine’s story of recovery and redemption

Elaine McCrae-Knipe is a trainee life coach, mother of three and proud grandmother.

The road here was not easy.

“Addiction is such a powerful disease,” she says.

McCrae-Knipe struggled with addiction in her twenties. It got so bad that her parents took her children away.

“I am eternally grateful for that. I am sure it was not easy for them. I know it was not easy for them. I dragged my parents and my family through a lot,” she says through tears. “When I lost my children – without getting emotional – I knew I had to change. I already knew I had to change, but it was the nail in the coffin.”

McCrae-Knipe checked herself into an inpatient treatment center for 35 days. Although it helped her get sober, she didn’t know what to do to rebuild her life.

She remembers thinking, “Where do I go from here?”

Then she found the Shepherd’s Door branch of the Portland Rescue Mission and took her first steps toward a new life. Shepherd’s Door provides comprehensive addiction treatment and rehabilitation services for women and children.

“It was just a wonderful program,” says McCrae-Knipe. “Women, staff, volunteers and like-minded people were there to support me and really aided my recovery.”

I have been supported by women, staff, volunteers and like-minded people who have really aided my recovery.

McCrae-Knipe stayed in the program for two years.

She remembers how daunting those two years were in the beginning. “Oh my God. Especially with three small children, I was like, ‘How am I going to do this program?’ But I did it. I did it!”

I graduated. I did it!

She left Shepherd’s Door in 2008 with savings, a job and a home for herself and her children.

“We were together as a family and I was able to provide them with the stability and structure they deserved because during my addiction, I was not what they needed or deserved,” she says.

McCrae-Knipe finally became the mother she always wanted to be and the mother her children always deserved. Now her goal is to help other women as a life coach.

“There are women from all walks of life who don’t necessarily have addiction issues, but also identity issues and difficulties with being enough,” she explains. “I just want to work with women of all kinds.”

McCrae-Knipe has another goal she wants to achieve. She is training to complete her ninth Hood to Coast Relay Race, but for the past few years she has been running it for the Portland Rescue Mission.

“I just feel inspired by it,” she says. “I just can’t explain it. It’s just a different year, it’s definitely a different year.”

As she crosses the finish line, she will reflect on what Shepherd’s Door has done for her and what it continues to do for others.


If you need help, you can contact the Portland Rescue Mission services.

Shepherd’s Door |13207 NE Halsey St, Portland, OR 97230 |Takeaway: 503-746-9743

Long-term inpatient rehabilitation in a rescue-like setting for women and women with children who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or struggling with addiction. Women are cared for by certified alcohol and drug counselors and nursing staff from the Portland Rescue Mission. A daycare center is available while mothers are in treatment.The recovery program begins with Discovery, a 5-week assessment, stabilization, and relapse prevention program. Graduates of Discovery may enter New Life, a year-long holistic recovery program.

The port | 10336 NE Wygant St, Portland, OR 97220 | Receptionist: 503-746-9664

Long-term inpatient rehabilitation in a rescue-like setting for up to 40 men who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or struggling with addiction. Men are cared for by certified alcohol and drug counselors and nursing staff from Portland Rescue Mission. The rehabilitation program begins with Discovery, a 5-week assessment, stabilization, and relapse prevention program. Graduates of Discovery may attend New Life, a year-long holistic rehabilitation program.

Burnside Hideout |111 W Burnside St, Portland, OR 97209 | Men’s Contact: 503-980-4998

This Old Town accommodation is open to everyone. Services include breakfast at 7am, dinner at 6pm, 24 hour restrooms, showers, clothing, toiletries, mail, money transfers and religious services.There are overnight accommodations for up to 75 men, as well as the Men’s Connect Program, a 3- to 6-month residential program that helps men recover from life on the streets. Program participants can receive job training and assistance with finding housing and employment.

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